Natural Isn't Always Right

Chapter 6

Many tiny babies lay seemingly asleep in incubators, some looking healthier than others, whilst some just looked out of place. One baby in particular, huge in proportion to the rest, yet their skin being of a fluorescent yellow, as though painted to be that colour.
Three small babies lay in three incubators next to each other, their young faces seeming to resemble one another’s, a resemblance that meant only one thing. Triplets. The triplets of a fifteen year old boy, who was amount to undertake single parenthood, with only his step father’s help in supporting the three youngsters.

Gavin’s *pov*

This shouldn’t be happening; one baby was going to be enough, why couldn’t there just be one? I knew he was slightly on the large side, but only slightly, not two whole babies on the large side. Alright Gavin calm down, everything’s going to be alright.
Three screaming children, how exactly are we going to cope with that? They’re not going into care, oh no that’s not happening to Sean like it did to them. I’m not letting them get separated and who’s going to want three kids? Three kids of the same age? This is too much, it can’t be happening; please just let it be a bad dream.
Please, please, please!


Two worried men, held a whisper conversation in the corner of a young boy’s hospital room. A look of defeat graced the features of one of the men, whilst a look of shock, twinned with a hint of horror washed over the others. Eyelids of the blonde boy flickered slightly, signalling that he was awake, yet neither of them men noticed, too deep within the problems that seemed to web around them, entangling them in a never ending spiral.
“TRIPLETS!” A scream of horror escaped from the fifteen year old, his face instantly paling, a look of devastation passing over him, tears beginning to trickle down his cheeks. It was such a familiar scene, the blonde boy crying, whilst both of his parents tried to console him, promise that they would always be there and that somehow together they would get through it all.
It was yet another blow that the family didn’t need, whilst the arrival of new life was joyous for some, for others it proved to be a struggle and a struggle it was clearly going to be for these three.

Sean’s *pov*

I don’t want them.
It’s as simple as that, all they will end up doing is remind me of Ian, I can’t cope with three kids and neither can dad or daddy no matter what they say. Nothing’s going to be alright, everything’s going to go wrong and I’ll be stuck on my own, living in some damp, grotty council flat, with barely enough money to put food on the table, never mind actually have hot water or electricity.
“Sean, I’m so sorry, but I love you alright?” That was daddy; dad had disappeared again, probably going to see how much longer they were going to end up being in here.
“Hmmm... You too.” Was all that I mumbled in reply, I honestly do love my parents, but they don’t understand what it’s like, they’ve always had each other and they always will. Plus they’ve never had three kids; ah I can’t stand the thought of it.
“So... Erm.... Have you thought about names?” I know he’s doing it for my own good, but I really don’t want to think about it. Though I suppose, I can tell him what I came up with a month or so ago.
“For a boy Benji and for a girl Winter.” He had no idea why, he just really had taken to those names, surprisingly it had all been quite exciting when Ian was there, when it was only one now that was all just a distant dream.
“Well you’ve got a baby boy and two baby girls. How about a mixed gender name for the other girl? How about Ashleigh?”
“Yeah alright.” With that I turned my back on daddy and tried to will myself back into a sleep, everything’s so much simpler like that. Everything can be perfect; I just want everything to be perfect, like it was before all this started.

I’ll always have that reminder of you, it’ll never go away. You’ll always be a part of my life, even if I wish it was a different time, a different place, a place in the past. When it was only me and you, when nothing else mattered.
♠ ♠ ♠
And this is what you get when I can't sleep.
Thanks people for name help, you know who you are xD

xoxox <3