Natural Isn't Always Right

Chapter 8

It never was easy for the most prepared of people, let alone those that had no idea to start with. It only got worse when there happened to be more than one child, two or in those odd occasions three. Waking up to cry’s and screams became regular to the three people of this particular household. Each being assigned to one child, that way they all did their fair share of work and all got their fair share of time away.
Sean was the one who was allowed to choose the child he wished to look after first. Of course none of them would have been his preferred option; after all he still wasn’t sure how he felt about the tiny little creatures. Though in the end he went for Ashleigh, the child that most reflected his looks.
Rhys, who also hated the sight of Ian, ended up with the child that reflected the looks of both parents. Winter.
This of course left Gavin with Benji. The child that was like the spit of Ian, a little mini me that no doubt would grow up to be identical to his father.
In no way were these triplets identical, sure Winter happened to look like both of the other two, but Ashleigh and Benji shared little to no resemblance at all.

Laughter filled the ears of a broken hearted blonde boy, eyes trained to the ground scared to look up for his fears being confirmed. It wasn’t fair that he was allowed to go on and enjoy life that nothing changed for him, that he got new friends and new people to mess around with. It wasn’t right that everything fell back to him, yet that didn’t make any difference in the world.
Once more that laughter hit him, followed by the whoops, cheers and wolf whistles of an obvious scene. A scene that was so clear in his mind, a scene that he’d have appreciated if one person was switched. A sight that he never wanted to see again, a person that could make or break a life and a whore that was just in it for the sex, for the cheap fuck that followed. A cheap fuck that was bound to be given. Whorish was always just a defence.

Sean’s *pov*

A female me, that’s what she is. My exact replica only female, god help her. Even if I hate the sight of him at the moment, she’d have been so much more blessed looking like him. Just like Benji does, that’s going to be painful when he’s older. A big stab in the back from good ol’.... Ian bloody fucking Watkins. Well he always was the best at that wasn’t he?
Urgh, I’m sick and tired of being tired... Oh ‘cause that made sense, I’m so tired my own mind doesn’t make sense anymore. I’m just so fed up of constantly being up, most fifteen year olds are still the main priority in their parent’s eyes, their parent’s precious little babies. Ha lovely joke that it. It does make sense now doesn’t it though? They ruined my life.

I don’t love them...

I hate them.

And it’s all because of James...

“Daddy... Who that?”
“It doesn’t matter, it’s no one. Just go and play with Benji and Ashleigh.”
“Look like Ay.”
“No he doesn’t Winter. Just go and play like a good little girl.”
“Who that?”
“I don’t know... Now please just go and play.”
“If only she knew... The innocence of a child, one day she will and one day she’ll hate that man as much as I do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
That's it.
Finished, finite, poof.
Me has an idea for a sequel... I'll post it if three or four people tell me they want it.
Otherwise I might just keep it for my loverly paper reading friends.

xoxoxoxoxo <3