Status: I know it just started but we will be on hiatus untill further notice. Sorry peeps.

The Undead Are Your Family

Bitches I Hope You Know

I pushed myself around on my black and neon pink skateboard rapping the first verse of Bitches by Hollywood Undead. My younger sister, October, sat on a bench nearby reading a book.
“You think mom and dad would let us listen to them?” She asked looking up at the sky.
"I think mom would smack me upside the head if she heard me singing it. Dad would probably join in with us." I smiled and stood up on the board. "You think their watchin us?"
“I know they are.” October replied with a small smile on her face and went back to her book. I pushed off skating around keeping an eye on my sister.
“Yo this girls seventeen now I’m a pedophile.” I rapped not watching where I was going and bumped into a shortish chubby guy. “Fuck sorry.”
“You okay?” The guy asked as his friends walked up, there were six of them.
“You okay?” October asked walking over from where she was seated.
“You should be in school silly.” A taller guy with a beanie on his head said laughing.
“Yea I‘m ok.” I said and picked my board up off the ground. “And we’re home schooled.” She finished looking at the tall man.
“Do your parents know your out here?” Another guy asked. He had calligraphy tattooed on his right hand that looked familiar. I was gonna say something when Tober, as I call her, nodded.
“Yes they always know where we are.” She said looking at the sky with a smile. The guy she ran into chuckled.
“Well be more careful on that thing,” He said. The guy that looked familiar looked at October and asked us.
“What‘s your guys names?” Tattoo guy asked.
“I am careful. You were just in my way.” I said to the shorter guy and then looked at the group. “I‘m April and that‘s my little sister October.” I said gesturing to Toby. One guy with gauges looked at her.
“October you ok?” The guy asked. ‘Man they all look kinda familiar.’ I thought to myself getting a good look at all the guys. The one she ran into was short and kinda choppy. He had aviator style shades on and a LA cap on his head. One guy was tall and skinny as a twig, his hair was all over the place. Another had gauges and a Lakers jersey on. He was talking to Tober but I ignored them. There was the guy with the hand tattoo and then a tall Mexican wearing a poncho. The last guy had a sailor cap, similar to the one I had on, on his head. There was a butterfly on each side of his neck and a 3 on his throat. He was absolutely handsome.
“Have we met before? You look familiar.” I asked looking at Mr. 3 closer
“Think about what you were singing earlier.” Tober whispered in my ear. My eyes got wide as I realized who they were. October and I were standing in front of Hollywood Undead.
“Oh I don‘t believe we‘ve met before.” Johnny 3 Tears said. I blushed and looked down. I heard Matt chuckle.
“Well just to refresh your head. That‘s George. The one you ran into is Jordan. The one by October is Jorel. I’m Matt. That’s Dylan and that’s Danny.” Matt said. Dylan smiled and Jorel waved.
“Ape we have to go.” October said looking up from her watch.
“Why?” George asked frowning.
“Don‘t want to get in trouble with the orphanage.” She replied. Danny got a shocked look on his face and Dylan looked confused.
“Nice to meet you.” I sighed taking my sisters hand.
“Wait why don‘t you guys come to our show tomorrow night?” Jorel asked. October shrugged and tugged on my hand.
“Lets go.” She said and I walked to the orphanage with her. We went straight to the small room we’ve been sharing for years. Tober sat on the cot she called a bed I went to my bed. I set my board down and took my cap off setting it on my nightstand. My hand went through and ruffled my short pink chopped up hair.
“We‘re going to the show.” I stated looking at her.
“You know we can‘t.” October sighed. I smirked at her.
"That's why we are lucky to have a room on the first floor. Come on." I got on my knees and crawled over to her, grabbing her hands. "Please I beg you. This is our favorite band."
“Fine.” She sighed. I grinned and tackle hugged her. "Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou thankyouthankyouthank!" She hugged me back mumbling a ‘Shush.’ I nodded and got off of her and hopped onto my own bed.
“Night sis.” Was the last thing I remember saying before I fell into dreamland.
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Hey guys. Yet another HU fanfic. Hopefully we both keep this one going. Please leave comments and subscribe.

April's outfit: