Status: First Story

Falling in love with Joey Richter...

I wanna be a Starship Ranger!

I had been waiting for hours, for the event of the year. Well... the event of the year for the locals; Starship was being shown tonight. There were crowds of people filling up the thin corridor all screaming and singing “Going Back to Hogwarts”, sporting blue sweatbands upon their heads, and chewing upon Red vines. Although, I didn’t want to share in the fun and laughter: Kyle had stood me up.
I shouldn’t have let it get to me, by this point I was used to being stood up, but it did I always thought Kyle was the one for me. I should have known it was too good to be true, I’m not the most attractive girl in the world and I wasn’t his usual type, but there was always something there that I was sure we had. Nonetheless, I forced a smile and joined in with “Stutter”, it was very fitting to how I felt at the point.
The doors opened and everyone flooded through through, like hordes of women at a shoe sale at Diechmann. I made no hurry, what was the point in rushing generally you got a good view wherever you are.
The show brightened my mood a great deal, and I was now meeting up with my friends as we were going to go to the meet and greet. Excitement washed over me at the thought of meeting the Starkid cast. I couldn’t wait to meet all of them. On the way, I kept making glances at Lottie, she had always had a crush on Joe Walker: he was, “So damn hot”. Sarah was sat across the other side of Lottie; we both knew she had here eye on Brian Holden. That left Holly who was sat in the front of the car she wanted Dylan Saunders. I had never really crushed on any of them in particular; they were all so freaking hot. I did like Darren but he is main stream now... Well there was Joey, but he would never see anything in a girl like me.
As we pulled up I felt out of place, the rest of the guys had been to such events before. I was a newbie, I had no idea what to expect, and I felt isolated. Everyone had tumbled out but I sat there staring into space, until I was rudely brought back to earth by a slap in the face from Holly, who was bouncing excitedly, as she saw Dylan walk past in an ice hockey jersey: Penguins to be precise. I piled out in the most inelegant ways humanly possible, and caught sight of an all too familiar lop-sided grin. I had just fallen to the ground in front of none other than Joey Richter. He smiled down at me and helped me to my feet.

“Thanks, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to... y’know...” I stammered to apologise.
“Its fine, accidents happen. Are you OK though? That was a spectacular fall!” He chuckled. It started to kick in then who I was talking to, and then I lost control of my nerves. I ran behind the car to the furthest point away from this supermegafoxyawesomehot star and threw-up. I expected to look up and be alone, but to my surprise he was now stood beside me his soft hands pulling my hair out of my face while I continued.
“There we are. All gone?” He spoke with a soft tone like he had known me for years.
“Uuugh, yeah. Oh God I am so sorry!”
“It’s fine” he chuckled “Trust me, I’ve had a lot worse happen” he thought back and shuddered. As I got up, he put his jacket around me.
It was a short walk from the car (where my friends had abandoned me) to the hall where the meet and greet was being held. As we went in, cameras flashed, people screamed, and the press were all over us; thrusting questions from all angles: “Where have you been?..Who is this lovely lady?.. Have you just pulled?”
He responded to this bombardment coolly “I have been in the car-park, this is er...”
“Carly Richmond”
“This is Carly Richmond, and I hope to think I have”

Here I was covered in car oil, and reaking of vomit. Surely he was talking about someone else. I scanned around the room at the other girls, trying to decipher which Joey was referring to. I looked up at him to discover him gazing down at me. I couldn’t face it, so I ran. Through walls of people in an unfamiliar building. I found a toilet where I broke down. Seconds later there was a banging at the door. Mascara running down my face I slowly peeked out, saw it was Joey and slammed the door shut.
All these years of idolising Team Starkid, and Joey, to find out he’s a Jackass. To tell someone you like it and not mean it is one thing, but to do it in front of a camera is a completely different level. My train of thought was derailed when I heard thumping, and bellowing. I opened the door and choked out:
“Why did you do that, and what do you want?”l could tell what I had said had hurt him and once again my eyes burned threatening to leak. He walked into the toilet locked the door and collapsed in confusion. He asked what I meant, and so I explained how I felt.
“Oh shit! I never meant it like that, I do care for you, and I want you in my life, as soon as you stepped... stumbled out of that car, I knew you were different.” I giggled at that comment. He came over to me and wiped my eyes. We then embraced, and before I had a chance to think, we kissed. When I met his lips an explosion of new emotions burst through the anger and sadness, that I had felt, and were now replaced with comfort and love. He took my hand and before we left the rest-room, I had to ask him...
“We’ve only just met, I’m a fangirl: I know everything about you, but for all you know I could be a mass murdering psycho. Are you sure you want this?”
“ I’ll have time to get to know you, psychos are interesting, and I have never been so sure of anything in my life”
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Please don't be all like RAWR, i've never written anything before, also I am in Year 11 so please don't eat me if i'm not consistant with my updates.