Status: Finished



I was on the school bus (Ick) but swathed in warmth. Due to my habit of wearing layers, I’m always at the perfect temperature. It was maybe....the second week of school? I idly checked the seats to see of anyone new was there, but there was no one. Wait....I trailed my eyes back to see a small face nearly hidden by her giant backpack.

Large eyes with a small nose and thin lips clenched together nervously. She could only have weighed about 90 pounds and she was very short. Exactly not my type, which is tall women with curves. Oh. I’m sorry. I guess I forgot to mention I’m a lesbian. Yawning, I turned back to my book, ‘Ancient Greek Architecture.’ I didn’t expect my day to be very interesting.

Instead, I was called to the main office the second I set foot in school. “Bree Williams, please report to the main office. Bree Williams, please report to the main office.” Had I done anything wrong? No....It only took me about five minutes to get there. “Mrs. Dillnon? Did you need me?” I asked the principal. She smiled kindly and produced the girl I’d seen earlier on the bus. “This is Navy Santos. She’s a new student here, and I was hoping you could be here guide.” I smiled over at Navy-even if she wasn’t my type, she still looked nice. “Sure, I’d love to.” Mrs. Dillnon patted me on the shoulder and sent us out.

“So, Navy. That’s an odd name. Where’d you get it?” Her smile was hesitant. “Uh, my parents like unusual names. My sister’s name is Ginger.” I stared at her for a moment to see if she was kidding, but her eyes were honest. “Well, it’s very cool anyway. Where do you come from?” “Alabama.” I whistled. “That’s a long way off.” “Kinda.” “How was your old school?” Navy flinched and looked away from my eyes. “I just wanted a change.”
Sensing she didn’t want to continue, I didn’t push it. “How about we look at your schedule, kay? You’re a junior like me, right?” “Yeah.” Navy handed me her schedule and I compared courses.

Bree Navy
A. Spanish Honors A. Spanish Honors
B. Trig. B. Trig.
C. Honors English C. Honors English
D. Honors Science D. Honors Science
E. Fine Arts 2 E. Fine Arts 2
F. Honors History F. Honors History
G. S. Architecture G. Free Period

Our school schedule runs like this-seven classes a day, each class 40 minutes long.
“Oh, this is great, Navy. We have almost all our classes together.” She smiled fully for the first time “We have Spanish first, with Senor Lopez. You must have taken it before, because you’re in Honors.” “Is he good at watching?” She asked.

I thought that was kind of a weird question, but I answered, “Most teachers here are. He’s nice and very fair, as long as you try hard and don’t talk back.” I led her to Spanish and introduced her to everyone. Navy sat next to me, lips moving as she copied words from the board. Just a few minutes into the class someone tossed me a piece of paper.

What’s she like?

I smiled, knowing it was from my friend Cam. I wrote something down and passed it back.

Nice. Very quiet, kind of shy, but she’s sweet.

He gave me a smile and refocused on the class. When it was finally over I tapped Navy on the shoulder and motioned for her to follow me. “Have you tried Trig before?” To my surprise Navy nodded. “It’s basically my favorite class.” “Mine too.” Well, not really, but for some reason I wanted to agree with her. “Ms. Lucia is really strict, so don’t get on her bad side, kay?” Navy nodded obediently.

Whenever someone greeted me or smiled at Navy, she seemed kind of shocked. She would jump and offer a timid smile that barely touched her lips. The more I heard her talk (which wasn’t often) the more I heard a kind of Soouthern drawl. Sometimes that annoys me, but hers was pleasant and soft, barely noticeable. It seemed like Navy shattered all stereotypes about people from the South-she was smart and well educated with very good manners. As far as I could see she wasn’t racist at all-when my black friend Ani hugged her, she looked shocked as always but easily hugged her back.

Ms. Lucia loved her-Navy finally raised her hand, and it was for a particularly difficult question. “We have English now.” I had to drag her away from Ms. Lucia. I warned Navy. “Do not mess with Mrs. Wood. She’s the meanest teacher in the entire school, and if you bother her she’ll reduce you to tears. And if you make her really pissed, you’ll never pass English no matter how hard you try.” Navy nodded quickly, and for a moment I thought she was going to grab my hand. She didn’t though.

Mrs. Wood was already in a foul mood when we walked in. “You call this a paper? I’ve seen better papers from third graders.” It was a favorite quote of hers. Navy paled but I gently pushed her in. “Er, Mrs. Wood? This is Navy Santos. She’s new here.” Mrs. Wood grimaced at us and gestured for her to sit. “C’mon Navy. It’s okay.” She sat near me and pulled out another perfectly organized, clean folder. It was the opposite of mine, which are ripped, drawn on, and taped together. That day we read a passage from the Koran as part of our Religious Texts unit. I settled into the calming words from the radio and listened.

“Alright, we have Science next. Did you have much science in Alabama?” Navy giggled slightly. “Not in particular. I can’t say the Alabama school system is very good.” “How are you so smart then?” I asked, nosy. “I really liked reading all the textbooks and trying everything they said. I’ve also got a photographic memory,” she admitted. “Damn, you’re lucky.” I said. “Not really.” Before I could ask why we had reached the science room.

Mr. Blayer is a really young guy, fresh out of college, and probably the nicest teacher in our school. “Hello Navy. It’s really nice to meet you.” He grinned and shook her hand. “We’re going to be studying anatomy soon. It’s my favorite topic. I’m really glad you get to see it.” Navy looked mildly shocked but in a few minutes she was smiling at Mr. Blayer. “It’s nice to meet you too.” She took diligent notes throughout the class.

I was really excited for our next class. “You’ll love Fine Arts. Mr. Gabes is the coolest.” I love Art, I’ve been drawing on everything since I was two. “Do you like art?” “A little bit.” Art is partially my favorite class because of the room. I love comfort, I crave soft touch. There are no chairs, just bean bags, and the room is always warm. It smells like art. “Navy, I’ve heard so much about you. What a pleasure.”

Navy froze but accepted his friendly handshake. “Bree, how is your picture going?” I proudly showed him the drawing I’d created. A group of guys playing basketball, it emphasized movement more than detail. “Beautiful.” Navy smiled too and sat down. “You’re a really good artist.” She opened her notebook and began drawing, like everyone else in the class. I waited to see if she had any talent. She was alright, with strong lines and even strokes, but nothing special. Still, it was obvious she was really into it. She kind of blanked the whole class, like her mind was actually in the drawing.

“Navy. Navy, it’s time to go.” I shook her shoulder. “We have History.” “Uh, oh yeah. Okay.” “Mr. Kent is okay, he’s just kind of boring.” I love history, but it’s true. I literally dozed throughout the whole class, not even needing to take notes. Of course, Navy did. “This is last class today. We don’t share it.” I quickly felt guilty when Navy paled and bit her lip. “But, who do I sit with? What if summun talks to me?”

I paused and stared at her. Her Southern accent had come out strong in those last few words, and it was adorable. “Summun?” “I’m sorry.” “No. No, it’s fine. Just unusual.” I led her to the cafeteria, promising, “Wait for me when the bell rings and I’ll bring you to your bus.” “Alright,” she mumbled. I felt terrible as she walked away, shoulders hunched.

I don’t have an off class. My off class is a ‘special’ something offered just for me. Ever since I was just a little kid I’ve wanted to build things. I was the first to the building blocks, creating towering structures. I only made sand castles at the beach, and Legos were my favorite toys. When Bridge Builders came out my family couldn’t get me off it. Needless to say, my future career is as an architect.

So when I entered high school Ms. Dacae offered to teach me, as long as my other grades keep up. Ms. Dacae is a math teacher, but her hobby is architecture, and she taught me a lot. That day, though, I was a little unfocused. “Is something wrong, Bree?” “Not really. I’ve just got a new kid following me around, Navy. She’s in free period right now, alone, so I’m just a little worried about her.” Ms. Dacae smiled and continued the lesson.

Navy was sitting alone at a table when I entered the cafeteria. Her face was so pathetically happy when she saw me my heart sank. I hadn’t realized how lonely she must’ve felt. Since she was on my own bus I got her there easily and sat next to her. My friend Conner peered over the back of his seat. “Nice to meet you, Navy. I’m Conner.” “Hi.” Her stop was right after mine, so I said goodbye and that I would see her the next day.