Status: Finished



My friend Suki was in a science room playing with the snakes. She’s sort of a reptile fanatic, and she’s going to work with them when she gets older. Suki is 100% Swedish, with straight, white blonde hair, blue eyes, and milky pale skin. At that moment she had two snakes draped across her shoulders, hissing in her ears. “Hey Suki.” “Hey there. Is this your new friend?” She smiled over at Navy, who was keeping a careful distance. “Yeah, this is Navy. I’m bringing her around to meet people.” “Come around if you ever want to see me, or if you get lost.” Suki waved goodbye and I brought Navy to another friend.

"See? Was that so bad?” “No,” she agreed quietly. I smiled and patted her head like a mother. “We can meet my friend Seamus now. Be warned-he doesn’t shut up.” “Okay.” I couldn’t help but feel curious about her, what her life had been like in Alabama. “Did you have a friend like that back home?” She flushed and mumbled something, so I didn’t push it. She probably really missed her friends. “Well, be prepared.” Seamus was sitting in a hallway with two of my other friends, Charlie and Fran. He was chatting happily away to them about, or at least it seemed to me. Several different topics. “Seamus.” He turned to look at me, waved, and went back to talking. I walked up to him and pulled a curl of hair. “I have someone I want you to meet.” “Oh, yeah, the new kid. Hi, Navy.”

Seamus gave her a quick hello and started talking again. I plopped down beside him, inviting Navy to sit next to me. “So, that’s why basketball is the sport of fruit. Did you know that the fruit crop this year might be diseased? My mom says that she wouldn’t eat it if she was paid to so I said, ‘If they gave you enough money you would,’ but she frowned and flicked my head and told me to close my smart mouth. Then Dad came home, he was really tired, but he still played baseball against me. I tried out for the baseball team and made it, I’m pitcher. Albert Puhjols is injured, I saw it on ESPN, it said he bruised his left ankle, he might be out for a few weeks, but he’ll be fine otherwise, and they’ve got a new player on the Redsox, he’s really Southern,” Seamus turned to Navy without missing a beat. “Do you have a really Southern accent? Everyone says you’re from somewhere in the South, was it Arkansas? Louisiana? Alabama?” “Alabama,” she added shyly.

“So you have the accent then? Can we hear it?” Navy flushed darker than I’d ever seen her, so I nudged Seamus, hissing, “Don’t be so nosy!” “It’s fine.”Navy cleared her throat like she was scaring out the accent she normally used. “It feels so good to use my real accent again.” She sounded like a Southern lady, voice sweet and loving. I couldn’t help but smile at her. “How y’all doing? You’re not gonna make fun of me, are you?” “No, we won’t. You’re so cute!” Fran gushed. “Like a Southern belle, like Scarlett O’Hara. You sound like you should be in a pretty ball gown, sitting on a porch drinking mint juleps!” Navy grinned wider then I’d ever seen her, ducking her head. “Thank you kindly, ma’am.”

Finally sensing a chance to talk, Seamus butt in, “You should talk like that all the time, you don’t sound stupid or like a hillbilly, honest. Everyone would fall in love with you!” He smirked cheekily at her. “Really? Y’all don’t think my accent is stupid?” she asked softly. “No. It’s adorable.” I threw an arm around her thin shoulders and hugged her closer. “Well. Kay. I guess I’ll use it from now on.” My cell beeped an alarm and I jumped when I glanced at the time. “We’ve got to get to Drama! It starts in three minutes!” “Coming.”