All I Wanted Was You

The First day of School (Ember’s POV) Part 2

I was so happy when the bell rang. It was time to go to our next class. I walked out of the room and waited for Alice. I grabbed her hand and we walked to our locker. I threw my books in our locker and grabbed my Bio books. We walked to Biology, I introduced myself and we went on with the lesson. Soon it was time for lunch finally. I grabbed a salad and sat down at the Cullen’s table with Alice. Bella and Edward were the last to join us. I was pretty much stuffing my face when Rose asked me, “So, Ember how do you like Forks high school? It’s just peachy huh?” I swallowed my food and took a drink. I rested my head on Alice’s shoulder, “It’s not that bad. At least I have you guys, Alice, Bella and Edward. If it wasn’t for you guys I’d go insane. I hated in Florida because I was pretty much a loner. Everyone was scared of me.” I started to get angry then I suddenly felt calmer. I looked over at Jasper and smiled. He smiled back and pretended to eat.
Suddenly someone walked up behind me and poured water over my head. I stood up and looked at who had done it. It was Mike Newton. “Hey what the hell is your problem kid? Do you want me to kick your ass?” I said to him. He looked at me and laughed, “In what universe could you beat me up? I’m a basketball player. I could kick your ass because you’re a girl.” Bella started laughing. “Well then lets if you can Mike. Come on lets go outside right now.” Alice grabbed my arm as Mike started to walk outside. I looked down at her and said, “Don’t worry I won’t hurt him. I’m going to let him try and hit me and he’ll fall down and he won’t touch me. I’ll take Emmett just in case babe. Come on Emmett.” I leaned down and kissed Alice quickly and walked outside. Emmett walked outside with me. I took off my jacket and put my hair up. “Well then come on pretty boy try and hit me” I said as I stretched. He tired to punch me and I grabbed his hand and twisted his arm so hard I was close to breaking it. “Now Mike if you ever so much as touch me again or pour water on me I will break your arm. I strongly suggest that you leave me and my sister alone. I’m a kick boxer and a MMA fighter. Next time you should check out who you think you can beat up” I said as I let go of his arm and jumped on Emmett’s back. He carried me back in and I sat down on Alice’s lap. “See I told you I wouldn’t hurt him. I just held his arm in a locked position and made him listen to me. I wouldn’t want to bruise his ego now would I?” I said as a matter of factly. Alice kissed my cheek and I smiled. Bella smiled, “Wow thanks sis, now maybe he will leave me alone since I have you as my own personal body guard.” I smiled and slid off her lap. Soon it was time for gym. Alice and I walked to gym slowly. We didn’t really do anything in gym. Then it was time to go home. I’m glad that my day flew by. I hate school. Alice and I walked out to Edward’s car. We got in the backseat and I laid my head on her shoulder. I closed my eyes and snuggled up to her. I felt her wrap her arms around my waist. I felt someone carrying me into their house. I heard Bella mumble that she was going to call dad and tell me where we were. I snuggled up to Alice and fell asleep.
A few hours later I woke up with my head on Alice’s stomach. I sat up and yawned. I smiled sheepishly up at Alice. She smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. I kissed her and laid my head back down on her stomach. “I don’t want to go home tonight. If I call and ask dad do you think he’ll let me spend the night with you?” I looked up at her and said. She laughed and said, “Yes he will let you spend the night now call him baby.” I pulled out my iPhone and called dad. I told him that I was staying at Alice’s and he said he didn’t care. “Well shoot I don’t have my pjs with me. Can you take me home to go get them” I asked as I stood up. Alice nodded and grabbed her car keys. We walked downstairs hand in hand. We walked outside to her car and got in and started driving towards my house. I grabbed her hand and held it. She smiled and then turned back to the road. “So Alice I love your car it’s really nice. I wish I could afford one of these,” I said quietly but I knew she heard me. Alice looked over at me and smiled, “I can get you one if you want. Just tell me what you want and Carlisle will buy it for you,” she said as she smiled at me. My jaw dropped a little. A beautiful girl wanted to buy me a car. I started to stutter a bit, “Uhhhh no Alice as much as I would love you to buy me a car, you not going to buy me one. I don’t want you to buy me a car, because the one I want is insanely expensive love,” I smiled sheepishly as I finished. Alice looked at me with pouty lips, “But baby I want to buy you a car. Please let me buy you one,” she said. I leaned over to kiss her cheek, “You can buy me a car but only after graduation and as long as were together that long,” I said.