
Chapter 1- The beginning

I can't really explain how it all started. It probably happend before I even started middle school, maybe even before I started liking girls. I remember the night that everything came to an end though, I remember it like it was just yesterday. My parents were ruthless. Classic story, dad was a drunk and mom was too scared to do anything about it. Do not feel for her though, she was just as bad, always bullying me and screwing with my emotions. So, it was that night that I decided I would take things into my own hands. It was November 1st, I lived in some of the deadlier neighborhoods of Los Angelos, so no one called the police if they heard a scream. In fact, no one ever called the police where I lived, for anything, not even a gunshot or an abondend body. No body cared.
My dad owned a wooden sword that he would beat me with, it seemed like the proper weapon to exact my revenge. I grabbed the sword and peeked my head into their room, mom was a heavy sleeper and dad always got drunk before he went to bed. I walked beside my mom. Staring at her in her sleep, she seemed much nicer than when she was awake, that didn't matter though. I raised my weapon high above my head and prepared to strike. For the first time ever, I had felt power over them. I took a deep breath and smashed the weapon down over her head, it hurt my hands and blood had splatterd over my face. The first strike had split her head open well enough that she'd have died in a few hours. I didn't stop there though; I kept hitting and hitting until there was nothing left. I breathed heavily, I had no idea that killing people exhausted so much energy so quickly. I took a few seconds to regain my breath before walking over to my dad's side of the bed. When I got to him, I saw that he had been awake the entire time, watching in terror as I beat my own mother to death, he had just been too drunk to do anything about it.
This is when I began to laugh at the old man. I laughed and laughed until my eyes filled up with tears and I couldn't laugh anymore. Finally, I killed him. I killed him in the same way that I had killed my mother; only with him, I stayed there for the entire night and bashed his head in. Once I was finished, I took a shower and left, with nothing but a frsh pair of clothes and my weapon. I decided that I wasn't going to let people push me around anymore, if they botherd me I would kill them and anyone that saw me, i'd kill them too! I would kill people in their homes and stay their for awhile. So, that's how I got to where I am today. I've killed and killed to get what I need and have been living life with no worries. Everything was going perfectly...until that day.
I had killed 963 people since 1 and 2 and the police had never traced me back to the killings, mostly because there wasn't any fingerprints on them. I had gotten better and wiser, because I was desposing of the bodies in Hydrophloric Acid now. It was just another day and another dead body. Everything was according to plan, I was outside of my current home, disposing of another body. I was confident, until something possessed me to look up. The moment I did, curtains from the building across the street snapped shut. I had just laid eyes on number 964.