
A Beautiful Lie


Being caught thinking about wanting to get away from Darnell by means of attempting suicide was not something I wanted to discuss with Kiro. But being that he already asked me what was wrong there wasn't any backing out from it.

"I just don't want to leave my home." I said with a sigh. I knew it sounded like I was repeating myself, and I was. I really didn't want to leave my home, leave this city, leave the ocean. I really didn't. And sometimes the only way to get the point across is to repeat it over and over again.

Kiro sighed as he sat down next to me and put his arm around me, "I know at times it's going to seem scary, but we'll be with you every step of the way and we won't let anything bad happen to you or Butterfly. We'll catch Darnell and then once we're sure it's safe we'll bring both of you back home." he said in a comforting way.

I slowly nodded. Even though I had been told before I was going to be safe, it didn't seem to sink in until Kiro said it. I got up and pulled a medium sized neon green suitcase out of my closet and set it down on my bed.

"So you're gonna get ready now?" Kiro questioned as he stood up.

"Yup." I said quietly as I began to rummage through my closet.

"Okay, I'm just going to inform the others." Kiro said as he backed out of my room.

"Uh-huh." I replied as I pulled a few tee-shirts out of my closet.

A few moments later, Butterfly walked into my room and paused in the doorway.

"Hey Butterfly. What's up?" I asked as I brought some pants over to my suitcase and packed them in.

"So...the guys won't let me go home so I can pack up my own stuff. Can I borrow some of your clothes?" she questioned.

I smiled at her before I went back to my closet and pulled out another suitcase, this one in a shade of neon orange, and handed it to her, "You know what's mine is yours."

"Thanks!" Butterfly said brightly as she set the suitcase down on my bed and began to rummage through my closet.

About thirty minutes later, both suitcases were stuffed over maximum capacity.

"Yup, I think that's about it." Butterfly said as she sighed happily once she managed to get her suitcase zipped up all the way.

"Yeah, now that my closet has been raided and emptied." I agreed as I smirked.

Butterfly shrugged her shoulders, "It's not my fault you have a sense of style."

"Yeah yeah." I said dismissively as I fussed with my suitcase zipper. I couldn't get the damned thing zipped closed.

Butterfly chuckled at my struggling, "You need help with that?" she questioned.

"Actually, I do." I admitted.

"I knew it." she replied as she rounded around my bed and sat down on top of my un-closeable suitcase.

I shrugged my shoulders, "It's a little unorthodox, but let's give it a shot." I said as I tugged on the zipper, but it wouldn't budge.

I sighed, "It's still a no-go."

Butterfly laughed and slid to one side of the suitcase before she held out her hand to me. I took her hand and she pulled me up onto the suitcase next to her. "Try it now." she instructed.

I reached down and pulled the zipper and this time it glided across the suitcase like butter. "It worked." I said happily.

Butterfly smiled from ear to ear, "I knew it would."

Before either one of us could hop off the suitcase, my bedroom door burst open and Yu walked in, "So are you two ready to-... What is going on in here?" he asked as he eyed both of us sitting on the suitcase.

Butterfly and I both jumped off the bag and turned to look at Yu, "Nothing is going on in here." I stated.

"...and yes, we're ready to go." Butterfly finished.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is actually the second time I am trying to post this chapter after I was notified of Mibba's little problem. The previous time I was taken to one of those cannot display the page pages and when I went back all my work was gone. That pissed me off soooo much. Heh.