Status: The first chapter is kinda dull, but the story gets way better ! Im currently working on chapter 5. Whats a better name for Izyk... Pure or Titanius?

TITANIUS: The Legend of Izyk Wylder

Discovery in Vietnam

My name is Izyk Wylder, and I just recently discovered that I am a mutant.

I never would have guessed I was a mutant, I mean what's so good about my life? I'm just a 21 year old white guy with short, dark brown hair and about six foot tall. I'm not the biggest guy on the planet, but i don't take shit from anybody. I love sports and enjoy making the world a better place. I always thought that my life was normal... before I was sent to Vietnam.

In the year 1967, I felt as if I was never going to see my mother again. I had been recruited into the United States military and the squad I was in was on its way to Vietnam. As we entered the country, people from the ground had started shooting at our chopper. They tried to take us down... well the assholes succeeded.

Awaking a few minutes later, I realized I had survived the crash. I was still strapped in my seat, and I heard voices coming from outside of the chopper. They had to be Vietnamese because they weren't speaking English... at least until one said, "We've got your chopper General, and we will take your soldier and begin the project." What project?

"He's the one in the third seat, check his dog tags to make sure." I recognized that voice, it was General Slyther. Slyther was my leader, and the leader of the U.S. Military. He was more powerful than the president only because of his reputation. He was a huge, muscular guy with white hair and wore dog tags as big as blocks of gold. What is Slyther doing? After I realized what he had told the soldiers, i thought, wait a minute... I'm in the third seat.

The men had come over to the chopper and opened up the side doors. Two of the soldiers had their AK47s fully loaded and aimed at the chopper as if something was going to jump out at them. I had no choice but to do something, but I had no idea what I should have done so, I pretended to be dead. The man who had got in, unbuckled me and dragged me out onto the ground.

"This is your soldier, we are sure of it. He's untouched, but his clothes look as if he just got in a fight with a tiger that was on fire." He informed General Slyther.

Slyther responded, "I told you he was a charm. Now get him to Trizad before he awakes." They picked me up and strapped me onto a bed, then they put a tarp over my body. What was Trizad? They carried me to a truck and slid me in the back. I couldn't hear anything but the truck engine roaring as they set off to wherever the hell they were taking me. Sargent Witliff should be out searching for me or he should at least have a squad of men after me. I should be saved soon, right?

I couldn't believe this, General Slyther knew my parents very well. He was a big member of the family even though he wasn't blood. He had recruited my father and my brother and sent them off to battle, and we had never seen them again. He had been General for quite some time now, and for some reason he admired our family. Why though, did all of the men in my family, under his command, come up missing after battle?

When my brother, Malachi, had died, we received a letter, along with his dog tags, saying he had been killed in combat. Mother had let me keep hold of his tags and I have had them since I was eight years old. I wear them everywhere I go, you'll never see me without them on.

As I lay in the back of the truck, it had started to slow down. Eventually the vehicle had stopped and I heard the guys slam their doors and walk towards the back door. It was time for me to get out of here. I grabbed the straps with both hands and tore them off my body, now all I had to do was wait for them to open up the door. As soon as they opened the doors, I would jump out and shred them to pieces. After that I would make my escape.

I heard them talking as they approached the door, quickly, I removed the tarp. As the door swung open, I jumped out and smashed the first guys head with my bare hands. Blood spurted from his mouth as his skull collapsed between my palms. He dropped his gun and I grabbed it, but the other guards out loaded on me which set the alarms off. I hit the ground hard and I could hear the alarm to the building echoing in my ear.

I laid there for a second in pain. I knew I was finished, but when I looked down to see the blood all there was, were holes in my shirt where the bullets had hit. My skin was untouched. I heard one of the soldiers speak into their radio, "We had to kill Project 9, he killed one of our men."

Before they said anything else, I got up as quick as I could, grabbed the AK47 and sprayed them with a full clip. After I was sure they were dead, I ran over to their bodies retrieving ammo and the radio. It was then that I noticed several soldiers heading my way, so I took off and ran straight towards the jungle.

They shot at me, missing bullet after bullet, and then I heard on the radio, "You can't kill him," Screamed Slyther, "it's impossible, just get him to the lab fast!"

A Vietnamese soldier replied, "We couldn't capture him, he took off west and escaped into the jungle."

"Dammit!" Slyther angrily responded, "You listen to me! Grab every soldier you can and get that damn boy back to the lab pronto! We are running out of time!"

Another man replied to Slyther," Sir this is Sargent Kaylo and we are sending five squads out as we speak, do you have any idea of the location of Project 9?"

"No, but it's going to take more than just five squads to take down Wylder. It's going to take your whole damn army! Do not let him escape, and if you make eye contact, hit him with everything you have, got it?" Slyther was beginning to sound worried, as though they wouldn't be able to catch me.

Kaylo replied quietly, "Yes... Yes sir."

What was wrong with me? I'd survived a helicopter crash and bullets straight through my chest, but why wasn't there any blood? I couldn't understand what was going on, but It sounded like Slyther knew enough... Was I Project 9?
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The first chapter is a little slow, but it gets better.