Status: Every chapter will take some time to update. I'm having trouble coming up with letters that are always in the beginning... if you get an idea PM me and maybe I'll use it... Maybe...

Mrs. Love

Chapter 10- Losing something and gaining another

Dear Mrs. Love,

I'm in a little bit of a rut. In the beginning, my boyfriend and I were doing great. Everything was perfect, and it seemed like we were in love. Pretty soon, we were starting to have a falling out. We started fighting, and I'm not talking yelling-fighting, oh, no. I'm talking about fist fights. We would argue over the stupidest things, from who would do the shopping to whether we should go out to dinner to celebrate an anniversary. I know that seems like cliché, but now it's gotten to the point where we're just sitting on the other side of the couch, not even looking at each other. My face and eyes would be blood-shot, and he would have a pissed off look on his face.

Wanting to go back to how it was

PS my name is Carolina and my email is

Dear Wanting to go back to how it was,

Sometimes the best thing to do for both of you is break up. Maybe sometime in the late future you can get back to together, but right now you need a break. Become friends again, restart in a way. Start as friends and who knows maybe you’ll work your way back into a relationship, but for the moment that isn’t a rut that you can easily get out of. Realizing you both need a break is one of the hardest things to do, but it is for the best. Good Luck and get out of that rut.

Mrs. Love ♥

Music walked into school the next day feeling a little sad knowing that her best friend would more or less permanently ditching her. She didn’t know where to turn, but she was hoping where ever she did turn had Zach there.

Walking into school Zach begins to look for Music. He is starting to get addicted to her presence near him, and he just needs to be by her at that point. He finds her at her locker with her knees curled into her chest, with her head on top of her knees. He doesn’t say a word. He sits down next to her, and pulls her into his chest. She takes a staggering breath and begins to cry silently. Neither say a word. Zach knows what happened. Cameron called him and told him that he got the balls to ask Emerald out, and as happy Zach was for Cameron he knew it would hurt Music which in turn hurts him, though he doesn’t get why it does hurt him as well. He knows he has a crush on her, but that feeling of her hurt being his hurt, that’s love, and love isn’t something he is sure he feels though thoughts like that have popped into his head many times.

Music silently gets pulled into someone’s chest, and the only reason she doesn’t pull away is because she knows its Zach by the smell. He must know she thought to herself. He is rubbing my back and comforting me. He is always there when I need him lately. Even if it is something stupid like being lonely he is there. Someone is there for me. That’s an odd comforting thought.

Eventually the bell rang signifying only 5 minutes before class begins. Music starts to clean up her face.

“Are you sure you are ok? We can skip first if you want.”

“I’m fine. I’m strong, or at least I can appear to be.” She continue to wipes her face not worrying about her makeup smearing considering she only wears eyeliner and lips gloss.

“Does it look like I’ve been crying?”

“No you look beautiful as always.”

Music kisses Zach on his cheek before happily going off to her first period. She was happy because he called her beautiful with so much sincerity in his voice, and because he was there when she needed him.

Not even Emerald was really there when she needed someone unless she bluntly spelt it out for her. Zach always knew when she needed him, it was a comforting thought. He was there when she needed him… that concept wasn’t one she was familiar with, but she loved it all the same.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that the chapter is short, but I wanted to update, and surprisingly this weekend was busy so I didn't have much time... barely managed to update at all but I did it!

I'm excited tour dates will be announced for Allstar Weekend tomorrow :D


and a special thanks to adubber1990 for her Mrs. Love letter! (the letter isn't mine, but the solution is mine) :D that is one of 2 I have gotten and I already did the first one :D