Status: Every chapter will take some time to update. I'm having trouble coming up with letters that are always in the beginning... if you get an idea PM me and maybe I'll use it... Maybe...

Mrs. Love

Chapter 2- Let the Games Begin thought it may not seem like it...

Dear Mrs. Love,

Here is the thing, I like a girl her name is Marcy. Here is the problem she is popular, and I’m just a nerd on the football team. I really like her, I have since freshman year, and I’m not a senior. What can I do to win her? Help me please. I have never had a girlfriend, and I think it’s about time I find one.


Tired of being alone

PS= I’m Cameron Quiseng and my email is

Cameron is going to be a tough case, and Music knew that from the second she read Marcy’s name. Marcy is the typical popular girl who is snobby, now setting her up with someone isn’t a big deal, but Cameron is a sweetheart and shouldn’t be with her. She knew this so she knew she had to send Cameron an email. Marcy simply wasn’t a girl he could handle, and that is a good thing. Music takes pride in the fact she knows more or less everyone in the school and a lot about them. She needed to know so she could match people up properly when they asked her.


Dear Cameron,

Alright so I’m not sure Marcy is really a great fit for you, but if you like her I will help you, but before I do help you I want you to for a week try to become friends with Marcy and see if you still feel the same way. Then the week after that hang around Emerald and become her friend, and then tell me who you would like to be set up with. I mean the worse case senero you get an extra friend or two. The reason I tell you this is that after a week with Marcy I think you will see there is a rude undertone to everything she says, and you are such a nice guy I don’t think you two will mesh well, but if after those two weeks you if still like her, then fine I will do my best to give you advice to get with her. Talk to me in two weeks, but if you want to be able to reach me before then and talk things out just send me back an email with your phone number and I will call you a few times to check on you.

Good Luck!


Mrs. Love♥

She sent the email on her way to her second class on the first day of school and then walked into her AP Chemistry class to find only one seat left next to Zach Porter. She mentally sighs and sits next to him saying “Hi Porter”

“Told you I wasn’t done talking to you.” He smirks.

“Apparently you were correct. Don’t know why you want to talk to me, but whatever makes you happy Porter. Whatever makes you happy.”

“There is simply something about you. It’s different. You are a mystery, and I want to figure you out.”

“But once you figure me out there is no more fun, no more game, and then you won’t want to talk to me anymore.”

“Doubt it.”

“Whatever you say Captain.” Just as Music says this the teacher walks in.

“Hello class. Well you have picked your seats for the year, where you are sitting now is your permanent seat, now look to see who is next to you and say hello to your lab partner for the year.”

Music reluctantly looks at Zach and sighs. She doesn’t hate the boy or even dislike him, just is thrown off by him due to the fact he really wants to get to know her. She is confused, but she knows it won’t be long till she figures it out, it never is. After doing a simple get to know your peers game the bell rings and Music rushes out of the classroom looking at her email to see if anyone else has written an email instead of snail mail to Mrs. Love only to see another email from Cameron with his phone number. She knew Cameron well enough and was expecting the number.

On her way to class she saw Cameron talking to Marcy who was going into a long description about her nails, and Music could also see the pained expression on Cameron’s face, causing her to laugh at his choice in girls, but she wasn’t worried, one week with

Emerald and he would have a new crush, that she knew.

After school Music is at home and trying to stall considering she doesn’t want to do homework. She begins to think of a way to stall that won’t make her feel guilty when she gets an idea. She goes, picks up the Mrs. Love phone, and calls Cameron. She thought it may be nice to talk to him and see what he is thinking about Marcy.

The phone rings a few times before the line is picked up. “Hello?” Cameron says on the line.

“Hi it’s Mrs. Love.” Music says into the phone that twists her voice so she doesn’t sound like herself.

“That would explain the private caller and the high pitched voice.”

“Yeah. I hate how my voice sounds on this. So very irritating, but it does the job.”

“Yeah I guess…. Anyway thanks for the help and stopping me from making a mistake.”

“What do you mean?”

“Marcy is an ok person and all, but she isn’t the girl for me. You were right. A lot of the things she says has a little bitchiness hidden underneath it, and it bothers me. Do I have to go the whole week?”

“Since I know you won’t work together, no, just start hanging with Emerald.”

“Alright. Wait since you know everyone in the school well is her best friend Music nice? I have never talked to her and I want to check to know what I’m getting myself into.”

Music silently laughs to herself. “Yeah if you are nice to her she will be nice back to you. You won’t have to worry about her too much you two will get along in a friend way just fine.”

“Alright. Thanks Mrs. Love whoever you are. You are a great help! I’ll talk to you more about how everything goes with Emerald another day! Thanks again!”
♠ ♠ ♠
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