Status: Every chapter will take some time to update. I'm having trouble coming up with letters that are always in the beginning... if you get an idea PM me and maybe I'll use it... Maybe...

Mrs. Love

Chapter 4- A New Client and a New Friend

Mrs. Love,

I’m having trouble finding a girl I will be happy with, and all my friends are bugging me about not finding myself a girl. I was thinking about trying to deceive them into thinking I have a girlfriend, but I know you always say that is a bad idea, so I thought to ask you for help.

Thanks Mrs. Love.

Trying to find a girl to make me and everyone else happy

Ps= I’m Nathan Darmody and my email is

Music gets the email on her way to second period, and knew this would be one where she needed to have a phone call with him, you don’t just say go pick up this chick. She is good at matching people up, but when two people have never interacted they need to meet and see how that all works before she puts them together. On her way to chemistry she emails Nathan back…

Dear Nathan,

What you are asking me to do is completely doable, and I can totally help you, but it is not as straight forward as you may think. I can give you some names of some girls you should meet who you may like based on your personalities, but you need to get to know a few girls and then decide who you want to date, and the others will just be some new friends you made, and as I always say you can never have too many friends. So I need to actually talk to you so email your phone number and I will call you sometime after school so we can find some girls for you to talk to and get to know. When you hang with them, however, don’t judge them as a potential girlfriend just get to know them.

Mrs. Love ♥

Then she walked into Chemistry after pressing send and sat next to Zach just as the bell rang. The two couldn’t talk throughout class because they were taking notes, but they did say a goodbye as they left.

Emerald wasn’t at Music’s locker the passing period before lunch, which threw her through a loop. They have kept the same tradition since freshman year, and they are juniors. Then she walked into the cafeteria and saw her with Cameron, and that is when it made sense.

She was about to walk away to the library to leave the two alone and not have to feel the inevitable loneliness she would feel if she sat with them, but she moved too late. Emerald saw her and gestured her over.

“Hi! Hope you don’t mind Cameron sitting with us today?”

“Of course not. Hi Cameron.”

“Hi Music.” Then the two went into their own little world ignoring Music, which is exactly why she didn’t want to stay for lunch, she would rather not eat and sit in the library not being ignored by her best friend.

Zach bought his lunch and was about to go sit with his friends when he saw Music sitting with Cameron and Emerald clearly being ignored, so he decided to join her.

“Hi guys. Hi Music. Mind if I sit here?”

Music shakes her head no, and the other two barely aknowlegded his presence.

“What are you doing here Captain.”

“Eating lunch.”

“I mean sitting with us… me… whatever this is.”

“I saw you alone, and I didn’t think that was right.”

“I’m not alone.”

“You might as well be.”

Music sighed and nodded her head. “Some best friend I have. Ditching me for a guy.”

“Well you may have lost your best friend, but I’m here if you need me.”

“What I don’t get is why? Why me? Why do you care? Why do you want to be here? What
happens when the mystery of me disappears? Do you disappear with it? Can I trust you? I just don’t know anymore….”

“I get it things are flipping around for you, but I’m here and I always will be mystery or not. I may have just met you, but you’re my friend, and I’m there for my friends.”
With the Music relaxed due to the sincerity of his voice, and the two had a nice conversation alone that day during lunch. The two were really starting to enjoy each other’s companies more than they would think.
♠ ♠ ♠
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