Status: Every chapter will take some time to update. I'm having trouble coming up with letters that are always in the beginning... if you get an idea PM me and maybe I'll use it... Maybe...

Mrs. Love

Chapter 9- Back to Reality and out of your Fantasy

Dear Mrs. Love,

I’ve been in school for only about a week because I just transferred, and I can’t seem to find a friend or where I belong. I simply don’t know where to go and where I belong… help!

Trying to Fit In

PS- My name is Celine and my email is

Dear Trying to Fit In,

I know moving is hard, and trying to fit in is even harder. Lucky for you our school has many clubs and electives so take advantage! Join all the clubs that interest you! Any and every club! Take an elective that reflects your passion! Be outgoing even if you aren’t normally! Rock out to who you are and people will naturally join you. Good Luck!

Mrs. Love♥

After Music arrived home from Chocolat Chaud she went up to her room to be greeted by her cat, Bonbon. She sighed happily while sitting on her bed and grabbing her kitty. She put her kitty on her tummy and fell back to her bed happily, the rest of her following in suit. She was so happy she even tried Cameron again who actually picked up this time around.

“Hey Mrs. Love”

“Hi Cameron.” Music replied her voice coming out high pitched because that is what the
phone rightfully did. “How’s it going with Emerald?”

“Amazing! Great! Perfect! Thanks for telling me to talk to her.”

“Perfect so my job is done.”

“No! I don’t know what to do!”

“Ask her out and be yourself that’s the last bit of help I can give you Cameron. Good luck and goodbye!”

She said hanging up before he had the chance to reply.

Zach was smiling like an idiot at Chocolat Chaud after Music left. Zach was working with a friend Chachi. The two were pretty good friends, and often worked together.

“Dude you’re smiling like an idiot.”

“Sorry bro.” Zach said in a happy daze.

“The girl?”

“Music is perfect.”

“Yup, the girl. She has you wrapped around her and you’re so very whipped.”

“I don’t know bro there’s something about her. Her smile. Her eyes. Her honesty.—“

“Ok dude I don’t have a lifetime to listen to you ramble about her; I’m cutting you off now.”

“Sorry man, but as you said whipped. Too bad she doesn’t believe in love.”

Chachi shakes his head laughing to himself thinking, ‘if only you saw the way she looked at you Zach. You two are so in love with one another I’m not worried. You’ll be together, just give it time. Give it time.’

Music is doing her homework with a smile on her face when she gets a phone call. She looks at the caller id and sees that it says, ‘your bff’ causing her to frown. She picks up the phone to find an Emerald who is calling excited that Cameron asked her out. Music being the good person she is fakes excitement not to hurt her friend’s feelings, though she truly is happy for her just sad because she is losing her friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I should have been doing Math Homework so feel special :D