Who Knows What To Do

At 16 Years Old

Jack Barakat's life at 16 years old...
"GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE JACK!" screams my terrible step-dad, Ronald. I step slowly closer to him and he grabs my wrists to fling me closer to him. "WHAT HAVE I FUCKING TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS!?" "y-y-you didn't say anything about me taking out the trash." "YES I DID!!" he yells as the belt smacks my calves. He pushes me to the ground as my head hits the soft couch. He pulls on my shirt and yells,"NEVER DO THAT TO ME!!!" "okay." I say in a shaky voice. He let's go and walks out the door. I get up and try to wipe all of the tears away but they keep on coming back. I run up the stairs and grab a few bags. I put all of my clothes, toothbrush and deoderant in there. "Im never coming back to this hell hole!" I scream. I put all of my things together as fast as I can and run out the door. I dial in my best friends #. "Alex, I need to stay over at your place." "oh that's fine... Come on over" "k. See you when I get there." "k bye" I hang up and walk down to Alexs house. I barge in and tell him what happened this time. "Oh my god! What a douche hole!" "I know... What should I do?" "Jack, are you sure you want to stay completley away this time?" "Yes. I need to get out of that hell hole." "Jack, all we need to do is just get you a job and you can crash here as long as you need to." "Thanks" he nods. I forgot where his bathroom was so I end up somehow in his basement. I spot a guitar. I pick it right up and start playing some cords. "Having fun with that?" Alex says. He cathes me off guard. "Yeah, I haven't played with one of these in a long time." "Thats what he said!" we both start laughing and I take off the guitar strap. We start watching the hangover and Alex brings out the popcorn with lots of butter. We pig out on lots of stuff and we fall asleep on the couch.
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Tell me what you think of it so far in the comments. Tell me if you think I should continue the story. Thanks.
