Status: Complete <3



A simple night out with my best friend, that’s all it was. Sounds fun, right? Nothing in my life is ever that simple though.
I was dancing with some guy who had bought me a couple drinks. Harmless flirting, a little touching on the dance floor, no big deal, until Cammie ripped me from the dance floor.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I snapped.

She looked around the club, then back at me.

“Josh is here.”

“Josh wh-?” When I realized who she meant my stomach dropped. “Where is he?”

“I saw him walk in with Matt, Max and Dan. But I don’t know where they went.”

“What the hell are they doing in LA?” I asked, more to myself than to Cammie.

“Do you want to leave?”

I shook my head. “No. Are you crazy? If I see him I’ll just ignore him. It’s worked for the past year.”

Cammie sighed. “Yeah, while you two were in different countries.”

“He won’t see me.” I assured her before walking away. Since I lost my dance partner I went back to the bar to get another drink. I felt someone walk up next to me, but paid them no attention, until I caught a whiff of their cologne. I started to panic for a second before stealing a quick glance at the man next to me. Of course, there he was in all his glory, my ex boyfriend, Joshua Franceschi.

The bar tender came over and asked Josh what he wanted. “Corona with lime, and…” I felt him look over at me. “A vodka and cranberry for her.”

Shit. Shit. Shit. He knew it was me. I looked up at Josh, a small smirk playing on his lips.

“Hi Tabby.”

“Hi Josh.”

“Fancy seeing you here.”

I scoffed. “Yeah. What are you doing in LA?”

He shrugged. “Recording. We’re here for a few months.”

My heart dropped. A few months? With Josh and I in the same city. Fucking wonderful. “That’s nice.”

Josh nodded. He opened his mouth to say something but the bartender placed our drinks down before he could say it. I tried to escape while Josh handed some money to the guy, but was cornered by Dan and Max walking up to the bar.

“Tabby?” Max asked, his eyes wide with excitement.

“Hi Maxy.”

He threw his arms around me, pulling me into a suffocating hug. “How are you?”

“Kind of losing the ability to breathe Max.”

Dan chuckled and pulled Max off me. “Don’t kill her, mate. Hi Tabby.” Dan gave me a much softer hug.

“It’s been ages since we’ve seen you. You look so different.” Max said as he pulled gently on my now red hair.

“Yeah. Dyed it a few months ago.”

“It looks good though, don’t get me wrong.” Max said quickly.

Josh was almost glaring at Max and Dan; I knew he wanted them to leave. They must have caught on because they quickly went farther down the bar to get drinks.

I turned back around only to come into contact with Josh’s chest. I didn’t know he was so close to me. He grabbed my waist to keep me from falling over.

“Careful, love. Don’t want you to break an ankle.”

“Don’t stand so close to someone then.”

“Don’t be so beautiful and I wouldn’t.”

I shook my head. “Don’t do that Josh.”

“Do what, love?” I didn’t even have to look up at him to see the smug smile on his face.

“This. Don’t. Please.”

“Just talking to you Tab.”

I looked up at him, into his perfect blue eyes, and for a second I forgot why I had broken up with him in the first place.

“Care to dance?”

I shrugged. “Maybe later.”

Josh grabbed my hands. “Just one dance.”

“One dance.”

He smirked and led me to the dance floor.

A few hours, and drinks, later, one dance had turned into many. Our hands were wondering each other bodies, a feeling I had missed so much. I felt Josh’s lips ghost down my cheek, before they landed softly on my lips.

I knew I should have stopped him, but I couldn’t. I don’t know if it was the alcohol, or just him. He always had a strange effect on me. I just couldn’t say no to him.

“Let’s get out of here.” He whispered huskily into my ear.

Not able to find words yet I grabbed his hand and led him out of the club.

My mind was screaming ‘Go back inside you twat. Go back to Cammie. She’ll knock some sense into you.’ But I didn’t. I got into the cab with him. I went back to their apartment and I got into bed with him.

And I only had myself to blame for the way things ended up that night…
♠ ♠ ♠
Crash is my favorite song from Sinners Never Sleep. And it kind of fits this story. Anyway, here it is. i'll update when i get at least three subscribers.

if someone wants to make me a banner for this i'd love you forever.

