Status: Complete <3



May 2009

Being in London was amazing. I absolutely loved the city. I never wanted to leave, but sadly my six weeks were almost over. My friends and I had finished our semester abroad, and had just three weeks left to do whatever we wanted.

“Here’s to our lovely American friends finishing their first semester of University in London.” My roommate Lilly said while holding up a shot glass.

We all downed our shots and then went to the dance floor. Before we got to the club we decided it was just a girls night. No guys. But we all broke that rule as soon as a group of boys strolled up to our table. They were all very cute, but one caught my attention more than the others. He just sort of stood there with a smirk on his face while his friend, who introduced himself as Max, did all the talking.

When he caught me staring at him his smirk grew and he moved to sit next to me.

“Hello, love. I’m Josh.” I almost melted into the seat just from his accent.


“You’re American?”

I nodded. “Is that bad?”

He shook his head. “Not at all. A beautiful girl is a beautiful girl.”

I blushed at his compliment. “Well thank you. You’re not so bad looking yourself.”

Josh laughed, and scooted closer to me. “How about I buy you another drink?”

I thought about it for a minute before answering. “Sure.”

He broke out into a grin and stood from the booth, holding his hand out for me to take. Josh let me walk ahead of him, but kept his hands on my waist as he led me to the bar. “Can’t have you getting lost.” He whispered into my ear.

“What are you having?”

“Vodka and cranberry.”

After a few drinks Josh and I got a little more comfortable with each other. I was practically sitting in his lap while we just talked. We danced for a while, but when I complained my feet hurt, Josh would escort me back to the table.

When my friends came over and told me we were leaving soon I frowned. I didn’t want to leave Josh. I wanted to stay there and listen to his drunken ramblings all night long.

“Do you have to go?” He whined into my ear.

“Yes. I have to. It was nice talking to you Josh.” I kissed his cheek before getting up from the table.

“Wait. There is no way I’m letting you get out of here without my number. I have to see you again Tabatha.”

I bit my lip softly and as I handed him my phone. He put his number in quickly and handed it back. “Good night Tab.” Josh leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. “I’ll be expecting to hear from you.”

And hear from me he did. We hung out as often as we could the last three weeks I was in England. Josh had even dropped a bomb on me and asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn’t hesitate when I said yes either. There was something about this boy that I just couldn’t let him go.

The day came when I had to go back to America, and I sure as hell didn’t want to. Josh took me to the airport, along with the rest of his band, who I had become quite close with as well.

I said goodbye to the boys, saving Josh for last. He pulled me into his strong arms and just held me there. I knew I would definitely miss him holding me like that.

“I’m gonna miss you.” I mumbled into his chest.

Josh kissed my forehead softly. “I know baby. I’m gonna miss you too. But I’ll see you in a few months.”

My flight was called, and I think I actually felt my heart break. I looked up at Josh with tears in my eyes. “Bye Josh.”

“I’ll see you soon, love. Call me when you land, no matter what the time is, okay?”

I nodded and kissed him one last time before heading towards my gate.
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if anyone likes this, let me know or i'm gonna delete it.