Status: Complete <3



December 2009

Being in a long distance relationship sucked. It really did. I hated not being able to kiss my boyfriend, or even cuddle with him at night when I was cold, or just when I wanted to feel him hold me. The time difference made it hard to talk a lot. When I was just waking up he would be in the middle of his day, and he was usually busy. And when he was about to go to bed and wanted to say good night I was just ending my usually hectic day and starting my mile high pile of homework.

But somehow Josh and I made it work. Everyone was sure we would fall apart the minute I left England, but there was no way in hell either of us were going to let that happen.

You Me At Six toured in America for the first time that summer on Warped Tour, and then they did the entire AP Fall Ball Tour. Josh flew me out to spend a week on each tour, but I still missed him when I got back home.

Since I had some vacation time coming up for me at work and school was out for break, I took them to go to England to see Josh for Christmas.

The flight was rather boring, but I was sat next to an older woman who was going to visit her daughter who moved to England after getting married. I smiled when I heard that, and informed her that I was going to see my boyfriend who lived in England. She smiled and patted my hand.

“You remind me of my daughter. I think it’s your eyes. She always got that look in her eyes when she talked about Oliver. Oh, she’s so in love with this boy, and I couldn’t understand why. He lived so far away, and she was always sad about missing him so much. I always asked her, ‘Why not find a good American boy? One you can see every day.’ She would just smile and say ‘Because I love him.’ And I couldn’t argue with that. Do you love this boy?”

I didn’t even think about it. I just said. “Yes. I do. Very much.”

When I got off the plane the woman, whose name was Barbra hugged me and told me to enjoy my holiday with Josh.

Josh. Holy shit. I was going to see Josh. I headed straight for baggage claim since that’s where we agreed to meet. While everyone was waiting for their bags I was looking around like a crazy person for Josh. I spotted him walking towards me, but he hadn’t seen me yet. Just as I was about to call his name he looked over at me. His face lit up and he dodged a few people to get to me. I jumped into his open arms and kissed him a few times.

“Oh my god, I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too Josh.”

After getting back to Josh’s parents house he and I laid on his bed for what seemed like hours, just talking. It felt like I hadn’t actually seen him in years, even though it was really only a few weeks.

I was absentmindedly twirling small pieces of his messy hair around my fingers while he sang quietly into my ear. After finishing the song he was singing he was silent.

I looked up at him just in time for his lips to meet mine is a sweet kiss. “I love you Tabby.”

My eyes shot open quickly. “W-what?”

He chuckled and pulled me closer to him. “I. Love. You.”


Josh nodded and laughed again. “Not how I expected you to reply.”

I laughed and pulled him into another kiss. “I love you too Josh.”


“Why what?”

“Why do you love me?” he asked.

I shrugged. “You, Mr. Franceschi, are perfect. Why wouldn’t I love you?”

“You are too good to be true. How does a twat like me get a beautiful girl like you to fall in love with him?”

“It’s that Franceschi charm.” I said with a giggle. I laid my head back onto Josh’s chest and let out a long yawn.

“Tired, love?”

I just nodded. I felt Josh kissed my forehead, and his hand go up the back of my shirt, tracing random patterns onto my back, making me fall asleep faster.

“I love you Tab. I’m gonna marry you one day, and then you’ll be mine forever.” He whispered softly.

I couldn’t even respond, I was already half asleep. But I definitely heard him.
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baby girl is asleep, so i had time up update one story before i go to bed, and since i already had this written, i updated this one.

but updates won't be happening as often since my daughter has been really sick.