Status: Complete <3



I hadn’t seen Josh in a few weeks. After our huge fight I wanted to stay clear of him.

On a particularly lazy day I was sitting on my couch with my laptop perched on my lap.

One new message from: J. Franceschi

I had been staring at that message for almost an hour. I had thought out every reason for him to email me, and couldn’t come up with a good one. Well there was one, but if that was the case I didn’t want to open it.

“Oh dear lord, just open it Tab.” Cammie said from behind me. She had been monitoring my progress on this email for the past hour. The only thing I had done was inch my cursor closer to the message.

“I don’t know if I want to Cam.”

“What could it be? Like worst case scenario? An email asking you how you’ve been? Or why you’ve been avoiding him like the plague?”

“I’m worried it will be a song.”

“You really think he’s that arrogant he would send you a song?”

I sighed. “I talked to Dan the other day and he said Josh was working on a song and Dan thought it was about me.”

“Yeah, because Dan and Josh have been on the best terms lately.”

I rolled my eyes at her. “They’re perfectly fine now, thank you very much.”

“Okay, well just open it. If it is a song, that doesn’t mean you have to listen to it.”

“I’m thinking still.” I mumbled.

“Oh my god.” Before I knew what she was doing Cam came over and clicked on the email. An attachment popped up right away and, sure enough, a song started playing.

Wait, where you say you've been?
Who you been with?
Where you say you're goin'?
Who you goin' with?

Keep me on my toes,
keep me in the know.

Wait, keep me in your skin,
keep me in your chest.
I'll wait for it to start,
I'll wait for it to end.

Keep me on my toes,
keep me in the know.

But when I looked at her,
I thought of only you.
If only there was proof I could use to show it's true.

We were young,
we were in our teens.
It wasn't real love,
spent behind bars.
Oh it's sad to think,
we just let it be.
Prisoners of love.

It's so easy for it to be,
something second guessed.
Easy to read,
don't let it become,
a meaningless routine.
It's meaningless to me.

But when I looked at her,
I thought of only you.
If only there was proof I could use to show it's true.

Just crash, fall down,
I'll wrap my arms around you now.
Just crash, it's our time now,
to make this work second time around.

We grew up,
we worked and changed our ways.
Just like wildfire,
been burning now for days.
Tearing down those walls,
nothing's in our way.
I said, nothing's in our way.

And I know,
I've said this all before,
but opposites attract.
We try and run away,
but end up running back.

And all I want to do,
all I want to do,
is lie down and...

Crash, fall down.
I'll wrap my arms around you now.
Just crash, it's our time now,
to make it work, second time around.

Ohhh crash, fall down.
Just crash, fall down.
Just crash, fall down.
Just crash, fall down.

By the time the song was finished I was crying. Cam was still stood next to me, her jaw slightly agape. “Wow.” She muttered.

“I told you it would be a song.”

“Tab, this boy loves you.”

“Not anymore.”

“Are you on meth? Did you just not hear the same thing I did?”

“I heard it. But Josh and I had our chance. It’s over.”

Cammie went to speak again but was cut off by someone knocking at the door. “This isn’t over Tab.”

I rolled my eyes and went back to my laptop. “It never is.”

I could faintly hear Cam talking to someone at the door, but paid them no attention until she called for me.

“Tab, someone’s here to see you.”

I sighed and got up from my comfortable spot on the couch. I sighed again when I saw Dan Flint was standing by the front door.

He laughed at my reaction. “Well don’t act too happy to see me.”

“Sorry. I just…I don’t want to talk about Josh.”

“Well…that’s too bad. Cause you’re gonna listen to me and you’re gonna like it.”

“Fine.” I huffed and walked back into the living room, taking my seat back on the couch.

Dan followed me and sat on the other end of the couch. “Josh has been a wreck since you left that morning.”

I shrugged. “What am I supposed to feel bad? Poor Josh all happy and in love with his girlfriend and-”

“That’s the thing Tab. He’s not in love with this girl. I mean he cares for her and does have some feelings for her, but he still loves you. Did you get his email?”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

“Does that mean anything to you? Do you not understand that’s his way of trying to get you to understand that he still loves you?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know Dan.”

Dan sighed. “Tab, will you just please talk to him? He’s gone proper mental, and none of us know what to do.”

“Well Dan, I don’t know what to do either.”

“You know exactly what to do. Just please hear him out. Please.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“I guess I have to take that for now then.”

I nodded in agreement. “Yeah.”

“Well I see you’re really busy today, so I’ll see you soon?”

I shrugged. “Maybe.”

“Bye Tab.” Dan hugged me quickly before leaving my apartment.

Cammie came back into the living room and took residence in Dan’s seat. “Well, are you going to talk to the boy?”

I sighed and went to my room. I didn’t want to be pestered about Josh all fucking day. If I wanted to talk to him I would. End of discussion.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is pretty much completely written, so i might just post the last couple chapters tonight just so it's out of the way.