Status: Attackative


Pleasure and pain

Waking up on Friday morning came with the hazy thoughts of what lay ahead of me for the day. School. The gym with Daddy. The rink. Movie with Kinna that I will undoubtably fall asleep during. Then extra early practice with Jennie on Saturday for our competition the following week. The mere thought of the packed day makes me want to fall back asleep and not move for three days.

My calfs hurt and my arm muscles are throbbing. The pain is a welcome reminder of the three hour practice Jennie and I had yesterday with Miss Ella. She dubbed us ready to throw our hardest trick yet on the ice. We had waited almost two months for the go ahead and the practice today will be the first chance we get to do it.

This thought is what compels me to get out of bed. I begrudgingly throw back the covers and quickly scurry to the bathroom. The cold bites my bare skin and I turn on the shower as fast as I can, eager to get under the warm spray. The water helps thaw me out and makes the pain in my limbs numb.

Once I'm done I make my way into my room, get dressed and tousle my hair so that it looks somewhat presentable. Once I'm satisfied I head downstairs and sit at the dining room table just as Uncle Isaac is putting my omelette on a plate. "Morning kiddo."

"Morning." I mumble, less than enthused to be awake so early.

"It's your first Friday at this school." He announces happily. "Wake up! Be happy!"

"It's too early to be alive right now, much less be happy." I grumble.

"It's 7:30. Get over it."

"Yeah, yeah. Go back to sleep or whatever it is you do when I leave."

"For your information, I'm spending the day with Ella figuring out your routine for your first qualifier. I work just as much as you do." He smiles.

"Whatever." I frown, taking a bite of my food and yawning.

He rolls his eyes and heads off upstairs, leaving me to finish eating with just enough time to get to school.

Once there, I meet Jennie in the parking lot and soon the school day officially starts. Classes fly by in a blur of daydreams about being on the ice. All except for gym which is spent glaring at Benjamin and dodging all the soccer balls the hated hockey player kicks my way.

Before long I'm headed home to meet Daddy. He's waiting in the living room, all decked out in his gym gear. "Hey Cage."

"Hi Daddy." I smile. "I'll just be a minute."

I run upstairs and swap my backpack for my gym bag and turn back around to get to my dad. He leads the way to the car and drives to Golds Gym. We got memberships here last week and this is the second time we've used them.

I like working out with my dad. Not only is it father/son bonding but he's taking an active interest in my skating. Because, yeah, even figure skaters have to work out.

The first thing we go to is the weight room. He sets me up on a leg press and spots me, adding in weights when asked and stopping me when he sees fit. Next is a few things with my upper arms as dad looks on disbelievingly.

"I still can't believe you can press over 250." He says. "That's almost twice what you weigh." 

I laugh and shrug. "What can I say?"

"There's no way you aren't going to win, son. With the amount of work you put in? I'd be surprised if anyone had the heart to give you anything less than second." 

I blush at my dads praise but soon shake my head. He does this all the time. "Treadmills then? I'll race you."

"Now Micajah. You know that's not fair." He laughs.

"It's not my fault you're old." I laugh, leading the way.

He chooses to ignore that comment and instead climbs onto a treadmill next to mine. We set them at the same mediocre pace and start up a conversation.

"So, how was school?" He asks, just like every good dad should. 

"Boring." I say, releasing the watered down version. "I like it here much more."

"Nice to hear you still like spending time with your old man," He smiles, "But you really should try to make the best of school. You're there for-" 

"-another five months." I groan. "Don't remind me."

"Is something going on?" He asks, concern written all over his face. 

"Not really. Just this one guy who I butt heads with." I shrug, setting the machine I'm on another notch higher. 

"Who is it?"

"Just some hockey player."

"Well that explains it." He laughs.

"Yeah, really. I just don't know what his problem is. I hardly even said two words to him and he laughs in my face about what I do. Where does he get off?" I complain. 

Dad laughs at me and steps off his machine slowly. That's when I realize that my practice with Jennie starts in twenty minutes. Just enough time to get home, shower, and get there. What would I do without my daddy?

Be out of shape and late. I think. Duh.

We head home and I get ready quickly, eager to get to the rink and try the new trick. Apparently, though, I'm a little too eager because once I get there, the hockey team is still on the ice. 

I scrunch up my nose and go to the locker room reserved for figure skaters which are on the other side of the rink from the hockey room. I find Jennie and Juliet sitting there together.

"Hi Cage." They say in unison.

"Hey girls." I smile. "Has anyone ever told you that you look like sisters?"

"Oh, we've heard everything." Juliet says. "Sisters, twins, lovers. We even got clones once. I don't see it though."

"I think you have the same cheek bones and very, very similar noses." I observe.

"That makes sense." Jennie agrees. "People say I get it from my dad and so does Juliet. Our dads are brothers so I suppose that would be why."

"Huh." Juliet huffs. "I never thought of that. What would I do without you JenJen?"

"Who knows?" She laughs.

"So, are you staying for practice?" I ask Juliet.

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm waiting for Benjamin to finish. We have to work." She admits.

I scrunch my nose upon hearing the name and roll my eyes. "I still don't see how you put up with him."

"Years of practice." She smiles. Her phone goes off and with one look at the screen, she's up and halfway out of the door. "That's him. I'll see you guys later!"

I give Jennie a look and she just laughs. "Cage, she's really not that bad."

"Oh, she's not bad at all. I love Juliet. I just don't see how you're related like, at all. Other than the cheek bones." I wink.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh. Look at me. Updating late again.
I'm sorry :(

But here you go! I love you <3

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