Status: Attackative


Nothing personal

I never understood why people think it's hard to make friends. In the one short week I've been here I've created a good sized circle of friends. Of course, Jennie and Juliet helped me but I have definitely met people on my own. I'm not completely socially inept you know.

Lunch is the highlight of my school day, as is the case for most people. By this time all my hardest classes are over and it's just time for the home stretch. None of the teachers are hard and it just doesn't really matter if I pay attention or not because they're all laid back.

Anyway, Jennie somehow roped me into sitting with her at lunch. Let me just say that the long rectangular table is very crowded, full of girls and guys from all grades. It's a rather diverse group of people. Actors and dancers and musicians. I guess you could call this the 'Artsy kids' table. 

Nico is a guy who does everything. Apparently he's been the star of the schools drama program ever since he started his freshman year. He's gay too and I learned that he's Jennie's best friend. According to her, that makes him my best friend too. Neither one of us questioned her and it's almost surprising how everything clicked into place.

He sits across from me now with a huge smile on his face, waving his fork around and gushing about the new script he received this morning. "God, Cage, like seriously. We're doing Moulin Rouge. Could it get any better? Naturally I'm going for the lead."

"Oh, naturally." Jennie grins, giving me a sly smile. "Do you know who's going for Satine?" 

"Not a clue. It doesn't really concern me, though I hope it's Kyra. That girl has some lungs." He smiles. I can't help but smile too. His excitement is contagious. "Anyway, it'll be the biggest production the school has ever put on. There's gonna be some major fundraising. The band is actually going to be the pit which is both exciting and concerning. Exciting because, hello, live pit. Concerning because what if they mess up!" 

Jennie and I listen to Nico go on and on about the musical until he stops abruptly, eyes focused on something over my shoulder. I raise an eyebrow and look behind me, seeing a tall and tan guy walking our way. 

"Who's that and why is Nico staring at him like that?" I ask Jennie.

She turns and glances behind us before grabbing tightly to my arm. "That's Bennett. He's the captain of the soccer team. God, he's like one of the hottest guys in school. Nico, why is he walking over here?"

"He came out last week. From the way he's looking at Cage I'd guess he's about to ask him out." Nico says matter of factly, a hint of jealousy coloring his tone. 

I don't have a chance to say anything else as Bennett approaches us and gives me a dazzling smile. "Hey guys." He directs the greeting to all of us but he's looking specifically at me. "I was hoping I could talk to you?"

"Uh. Yeah. Sure." I stand and follow him through the cafeteria, ignoring the feeling that all eyes are on us. Once we're safely out of earshot of everyone, outside the cafeteria doors, he turns and smiles at me again.

"Micajah, I've seen you around school a lot and I've heard a lot about you and I was wondering if I could take you out sometime?" 

"I . . . Bennett, look, I don't know if you've heard but I'm training. I would love to go out with you but I really don't have time for dating. If I'm not at school I'm working out or practicing. After that I'm really tired and I'm afraid I wouldn't be very good company. I get one day off a week and that's pretty much taken up by school work." I say.

"Oh. Uh. Wow. That's a lot." 

"I'm sorry." I apologize. And I really am. Bennett is really hot and he seems like a really nice guy. 

"Hey, that's okay. I understand. When it's soccer season that's pretty much all I'm focused on. You're going out for the olympics, right?" He asks, smiling. 

"Yeah, that's right." I smile back. 

"Look, even though we can't go out, I'd really like to be friends."

"Yeah! Yes, that'd be great." I smile, happy that he seems to really understand. We exchange numbers and return to our respective seats in the cafeteria. 

Nico beams at me and cocks an eyebrow. "So, when's the date?"

"Uh, never?" 

His face falls into a mask of confusion. "You turned down a date with Bennett James?"

"Yeah, I'm training. I don't have time for dating. But I did get his number." I wink. "If you, you know, wanna borrow it or something." 

Nico perks up and grins at Jennie. "I love this kid. Why did it take you so long to introduce us?"

She shrugs. "I was afraid you'd scare him away."
♠ ♠ ♠
It's almost 4 AM. I'm too tired for a valid authors note.
I'm sorry this is hours late! We love you!
And I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving :)

Let us know what you think?