Status: Attackative


Skater Boys

Falling asleep in my Chemistry class, I patiently and happily waited for the teacher to finish dealing with the unbelievable Juniors and immature Sophomores. It's like this very morning. I may not give out too much respect to anyone, but I'm not disrespectful either. The things these kids do are just pathetic and, to be honest, so are the ways Mr. James had of dealing with them.

The teachers in this school put up with shit, I feel sorry for most of them. The kids here are either sarcastic smart-asses that embarrass them in front of the class, immature retards that make sure there is no progress made in class, high and mighty jocks and buff guys that think they're too good for it all, or the rare artsy kid that teachers love. Yeah, I may be a little bit of them all, but at least I'm not a full blown dickwad and occasionally try. Teachers don't think much of me, a dentition every now and then, but nothing more. They're already suffering enough, I didn't want to make it any worse.

Sometimes, I wonder how they get up every morning and deal with seven periods of us.

The bell rang, waking me up from a relatively light sleep. Looking at the blank board, I say we accomplished nothing at all. Leaving the class, I gave Mr. James a look of pity to which he shrugged. He was used to the hell first period resembled. But that didn't make me feel any less for him.

- - -

The bell for the end of third period rang and I was almost to the locker room before most of the classes were even empty.

"Benjamin!" A familiar voice called out.

Running into a wall to quickly stop myself, I clenched my face for a moment and cursed at my misfortune. Mrs. Lenard was the one teacher who always caught me running. Well, okay, she was the one teacher who caught me and was enough of a bitch to find out my name, go to the office, and get me a fucking Saturday detention for it.

Slapping on a giant smile, I turned and looked down to the short gray-haired cunt. "Good morning, Mrs. Lenard. How are you?"

Giving me one of those even-though-you're-being-polite-you're-not-getting-out-of-this-shit smiled, she held her head high and tried to look commanding. "I'm doing fine Benjamin. You were going pretty fast."

"I'm just rely exited to get to my next class." I told her. "Knowledge is what keeps me going."

She nodded, still with that fucking smile. "Detention tomorrow. Come back after lunch to get it."

With a frustrated huff, I turned around with no response, blood filling my mouth. It's not like I ran into anyone, there was barely anyone in the halls until now, why the fuck did she feel the need to stop me? Doesn't she have a fucking class anyway? Shouldn't she be concerned about what shit they're doing rather than how fast I'm going in the hall? It's not like I'm fucking driving, no one's going to fucking die. This is fucking camel shit.

As soon as I was out of her sight, I broke into a run and burst through the locker room door. It rebounded on the kid I'd pushed past and my momentum carried me straight into the wall. Unfazed, I pushed myself from the wall and went to shove my stuff into a locker.

"Benji, what took you so long?" Nathan yelled from across the locker room, followed by a chores of yeahs and really's.

Smiling, I stripped off my shirt and shoved it in with the rest of my stuff. "Some bitch stopped me for running in the hall." I answered as I twisted in the purple T-shirt, taking it back off and throwing it back in the locker before pulling off my pants. "Like I was driving a fucking truck through the school."

The whole room erupted in laughter caused by my anger. I pulled my pants on and finally figured out how to put a shirt on the right way before darting out of the locker room and towards the door leading outside, jumping over Lee who tried to stop me to talk. Most people would think a gay guy would get distracted in the locker room, especially since all the guys at our school were tall and in shape, but I knew almost everyone in there and all sexual thoughts were immediately erased from my mind.

After waiting for what seemed like forever for the teacher and the rest of the class, we paired off in two for tennis. I picked Nathan because he sucked and that meant more fun for me. Plus, Lee was a pro at this game and it was only fun playing against her. Not that it would have mattered if I wanted to play with her, since she had instantly joined with a slightly familiar brown haired kid.

Now him, I haven't seen around. I would have noticed someone that cute around school. The uniform didn't flatter him or anything, and, disappointingly, it hid all shape of his ass. But he looked as good as you possible could in purple and gold. Well, more of a yellow. The only bad thing was he looked like a complete wuss and gave me the feeling that the principle would be going on a 'Stop Bullying' campaign soon.

"Come on!" I yelled at Nathan on the wrong side of the net, talking to Lee and the shrimpy kid. "What are you doing!?"

"Get your ass over here Mini!" Lee shouted over at me, a huge smile on her face. "Come meet the cutie!"

"What is this!?" I shouted as I jumped the net. "Meet and greet? I don't need friends!"

"Explains why you don't have any." Nathan mumble.

Hitting him in the head, hard, I turned to the short-ish kid and smiled, despite my previous actions. "Hey. I'm Benjamin."

"Micajah." Was all he said, a very neutral look on his face, like he didn't care for any of this.

The look stayed on his face as we played. He and Nathan only ran to get the few balls that me and Lee had missed or thrown at each other. Running for a ball, I tangled my feet together and landed face first on the ground, my racket flying back wards in a failed attempt to save myself. Nathan's yelp of pain distracted me from mine.

"Are you okay?" I asked after I had pushed myself up and leisurely walked over to his crumple form, Lee and Micajah already at his side.

"Your racket hit him in the crotch." Micajah answered for him.

Nathan moaned. "She hurts."

"Did he just refer to his penis as a sh-?"

"He has no man pride." I answered as I helped Nathan back to his feet, his face red and twisted in the remnants of agony.

"I thought you were Benji The Butterfly." Lee smiled sadistically. "I guess that only applies when you're on the ice."

"You skate?" Micajah showed the first hint of emotion or interest since the class began.

"You really haven't been here long, have you?" Nathan said in a voice almost clear of all pain. "Benji here is the hockey team's pride and joy; the butterfly. Without him we probably would have bombed the past three years."

"Oh. You're a hockey player." Immediately, all looks interest was chased from his face by ones of disdain. What the fuck is that suppose to mean?

"Yeah." Lee piped up, jumped in front of me to keep my anger from spurting out. What the fuck was that suppose to mean? "What did you think he meant?"

What the fucking fuck was that supposed to mean!?

"Figure skating."

"What the fuck!?" Me and Nathan shouted in unison, both buckling over in laughter.

"He- he thought you fi-figure ska-ated!" Nathan gasped. "Holy holy shit!"

"Oh god!" Falling to the ground, I bent over to catch my breath, tears forming in my eyes. "What the fucking hell do I look like figure skating?" I asked, causing me and Nathan to laugh harder.

"Guys, stop it!" Lee exclaimed, kicking me in the side probably harder than I felt. "It's not fucking funny! Figure skating takes muscle and skill, just like hockey! Oh, don't worry about them Micajah, the shithead's were just dropped on their heads as kids....and teenagers."

Finally gathering myself I climbed back to me feet, my face burning and stomach hurting. "Shut up, Lee. Figure skating isn't a sport, it's a wast of ice. What kind of bitch figure skates?"

"I do." Micajah's voice was firm, expression one of pure hatred.

That broke me down once more, Nathan right along with me.

"What the hell is so funny!" Micajah shouted, throwing his racket to the ground.

"Calm down babe." I told him. "It's not my fault you're wasting your time."

"I am not wasting my time." He said through what sounded like clenched teeth. "And do not call me babe."

"Sure sure." I nodded as I tried to stand back up straight. "Anything for a figure skater."

"Benjamin, you're suck a asshole!" Lee shouted at me, planting her hands on my chest and pushing me as hard as she could, only sending me back a inch of two. "What the hell is wrong with you! You could at least pretend not to be suck a duchbag! It's his first fucking day, goddammit!" With that, she put a arm around a furious Micajah and led him to the entrance of the court.

Beside me, Nathan snorted. "Figure skater."

"The hell?" I laughed, falling back to the ground.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, Nicole is suck a loser! Who does that!? My god, I can't even right now.

I love this chapter! Mostly because Benjamin was being suck a jack-ass and reading about them are fun, but still! Plus, I scored the position of writing the first encounter, fuck yeah.

Comments! Even though both of us authors are bitches and don't deserve it? Wow, you guys must really love us. Weloveyoumore, Don't argue with it!