Sequel: Lost in Paradise

Can I See You Now?


Monday morning, first day of senior year. First day at my new school. First of many days of the long explinations of why I wear sunglasses 24/7.
The answer is simple. Well, simple to me, at least.
A curse. A curse that's thousands of years old. I can't look at people. If I do... Well, they die.
They die horribly. For example, when I was born: I opened my eyes to look at the doctors and boom... They dropped dead. Well, after there throats split open and blood poured out. The worst part is that I remember it perfectly. Every death I've ever caused. Even though I had just came out of my mother's womb, I remember.
I've killed all my doctors, a couple of close friends, and when I got pissed off enough, my enemies. Cool? No, not even close.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror, my sunglasses covering my eyes. I had pale skin, long-ish black hair, and a small, slightly pointed nose.
Mom always said that I'm the height of beauty. Funny how she says that and never looks at me for fear she'll die.
I sighed and left the bathroom, heading downstairs.
"Hey mom." I said once I got down.
"Hello, sweetheart." Mom said, turing away from me quickly.
I rolled my eyes and poured myself a steaming mug of coffee. I took a sip, scalding my tongue.
I sat the cup down quickly and ran to the sink, grabbing a cup, getting water, and putting the fire out on my burning tonuge.
I put the cup back and went back to my coffee, carefully taking a sip.
Mom looked at the time.
"7:30, dearest. Time for school." She said.
"Okay." I said, setting my cup down and running out the door.
As I started my walk to Newark, New Jersey's High School, I took out my Ipod and put my headphones in. I then put my hood up as I felt raindrops start to fall on my head.
It was a fifteen minute walk to the high school, but a shitload of people still stared at me for wearing sunglasses when there wasn't a ray of sun in the dark cloudy skies.

When I finally arrived at the school, I went straight to my locker. I had arrived a day earlier to get everything put in, all my school notebooks, pens, pencils, et cetera. I grabbed my first period classes stuff which happened to be Adult Roles and Responsibilities. Luckily, I didn't have any friends to say hi to and having to welcome back anyone, so I was early to class.
Getting bored, I started to doodle on the front page of my notebook. When the bell finally rang I had drawn a creepy looking man. Most likely the man that had put the curse on my ancestor. I shivered and sighed as I closed my notebook, as the teacher stared to talk, about what I didn't catch because at that moment, I saw... Him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another story= started. I thank my history teacher for inspiring me to do this.