Status: Co-written!

If I Could Grow Wings.

7 (Part 2)

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Iero. What brings you to my locker today?” Destery asked whilst putting his hand out to help me out his locker.

When his hand touched mine, a shiver went throughout my body. Now, this is the first time that Destery and I touched, and I thought maybe I was just cold from being in the locker for a while. Not once did I think it could mean more.

“Chris and his “crew”, but hey, do you have notes from Environmental Science?” I rubbed my hand on my jeans and smiled a lop-sided smile up at Destery. He has to be at least a foot taller than me.

He handed me the notes and we parted after I promised to give them back tomorrow morning.

‘What is so important about it, that I just can’t let it go, that I can’t forget about it?’

Maybe it’s the fact that I found out my Mom lied to me, the fact that she still talks to my Dad. See, my Dad is in a band, and he tours a lot, so growing up was really hard for me. Not being about to see my Dad, not even on Holiday’s or on my birthday. The most he’d send was a card with some money in it. I’ve seen my Dad about 10 or 11 times throughout my whole life.

And the fact that my Mom lies and tells me she still doesn’t see nor does she talk to him hurt me. She doesn’t have to lie about it. I honestly don’t care if she talks to him, I just don’t want to see him. Why should I bother with him, if he was barely there throughout my childhood?

Opening my laptop, I decided to check my Tumblr, hoping Gerard had messaged me back.

’I did have a good night’s sleep thank you; I had the most amazing dream ever! ;) How long you been a vegetarian? I’m glad you won’t mind it, and you’re oh so very much welcome. ;P I’d love to talk to you more. I sent you a friend request so accept it, mine’s is Hope to see you on MSN soon. <33’

I quickly reply with ’So did I. Since I was 6 years old but before that, I didn’t eat much meat, I don’t know why, just never really liked it. I’ll accept it when I go on MSN. <3’

I finished my research paper, and went to sleep, tired from the long day of studying and being shoved into lockers. But I went to sleep with one thought on my mind, and that thought was ‘I couldn’t wait for school tomorrow to see Destery, I finally decided to become more than just acquaintances with him, I wanted to be more, I wanted to be his friend now.’
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's a day late, I didn't even realize yesterday was Tuesday. O.O

Hope you enjoyed, and Yay Kiss-My-Battery got Destery right. He is CapnDesDes who is an amazing you-tuber.

Anyone guess who Chris is yet??

So this chapter is dedicated to Kiss-My-Battery for getting Destery right! :)


Jasmine <3