Status: Active! At the time. :)


Clean cut

It was Sunday morning when we were at church. I was coming down the stairs when I saw Jason making out with a girl behind the church. “Mellissa.” I walked over towards Rachel who had a smile from ear to ear.

“Tell what happen between my brother and you. He won’t say a word.” She rolled her eyes in pure frustration. I smiled and dragged her away from the crowd that was beginning to form outside the church doors.

“Can you keep a secret?”

She shook her head her blonde curls going everywhere. “Yes. Yes. Just tell me already.” I beckoned her closer to me and I leaned over and whispered in her ear. “So can I.” I took off running before she slapped me. Jason grabbed ahold of me awhile Freddy, his friend, held onto Rachel.

“Mel, we’re at church. Please show some respect.” I looked at him and couldn’t believe he was lecturing me about respect. “Fine, sorry.” The crowd was finally heading inside for coffee and flapjacks. Rachel went over to help her grandmother inside but, not before warning me that I would tell what had happened.

“Rachel is after you too, huh?” Liam walked up with his hands shoved into his trouser pants. I smiled and brushed some imagery lint off. I cursed to myself silently wishing I had taken my mother’s advice on that little compact mirror she had offered me.

“Yeah,” I chuckled. “I had fun, Liam.” I smiled running my fingers through my tangled curls. “Me too,” He took my fingers gently away from my hair. Bringing them up to his lips and barely kissing them.

“LIAM!” We both turned around at Jason. “We’re leaving let’s go!”
“I better go, Mel. I’m under your brother’s mercy if I want to see you.” He gave my hand one more squeeze before taking off after him.

“Ahem.” I turned around to find my father walking up to me. “Hi daddy, are we leaving?” I chewed on my lip how much had he heard?
He stared after Liam as he finally caught up with Jason as they took off. “Where’s Jason off to?” I shrugged my shoulders as we made our way to the car.

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Ugh. Why do I have so many freckles? I stuck out my tongue and pushed my glasses back up. It was six o’clock in the morning and dad and mama were up.


“What?” I hissed. I couldn’t make out what they had said. I shoved and put the caps on mama’s makeup. The doorknob rattled as someone kicked the door. “Hold up, please…I’m almost done.” I unlocked the door as the hint of alcohol hint my nose. “Ugh. Jason?” He shoved past me and hurled in the toilet. I closed the door and sat on the tub and waited for him to stop. “Jason. Jason. If mama or daddy find out you’ll be in trouble." He lifted his head up wiped his mouth on his sleeve. I didn’t realize how bad he looked until I saw the red in his eyes and fat lip.

“Get the hell out of here Mel. I don’t need your shit right now.” My thoughts took me to Liam was he in the same stage?

“NOW MEL!” I stood up and closed the door as he continued to puke. I walked back in my room and changed into green plaid shirt with black jeans.

“Morning, baby.” My mom kissed my head as I took a seat next to my dad.

“Is Jason up? I thought I heard the two of you fighting.” He put his newspaper down. I took a bite of bacon before answering him. “I don’t know.” I shrugged taking a long drink of orange juice.

“Can I be excuse now?” My mother and father shared a look and stared at me. “Sweetie you barely ate anything why don’t you finish up awhile, Jason gets down here so you can walk to school.”
I grabbed my backpack from underneath the table. “I have to talk to Rachel, daddy can I?” He shook his head. “Be careful, pumpkin.” I took my raincoat and kissed them both goodbye.

I took a short cut one Jason had told me about. One I wasn’t allowed to take by myself. I knocked at their grandma’s house and hope Jason opened. “Golly, Mel do you know what time it is?” Rachel was still in her pajamas and rubbing sleep from her eyes. “Is Jason home?”
Rachel opened the door furthered so I could come in. It had started to rain when I was making my way over to their house. “Uhm… I believe he told Nana that he was staying at Freddy’s tonight.” She walked up to her room and jumped into bed pulling the covers up to her face. “Why?”

I sat on the floor and pulled my knees up to my chin. “Jason….he was. Rach I-I think he got drunk last night.” She stood up and sat on the floor with her blankets. “Does your daddy know?” I shook my head. “Liam left with Jason yesterday after church.” Her eye went round. “Granny gonna beat his behind all the way to next week.” I closed my eyes and hoped that this wasn’t the case. And they hadn’t involved themselves in that kind of stuff.