Status: One-shot.

Please Remember Me.


"When all our tears have reached the sea, part of you will live in me way down deep inside my heart. The days keep coming without fail. A new wind is gonna find your sail, that's where your journey starts..."

"Kayla, Brandon, c'mon, lets get out the door!"

She was a mother. A single mother, at that, although most people wouldn't believe it at a first glance.

Her long blond hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail. She wore very little make-up and was dressed for work.

"You'll find better love, strong as it ever was, deep as the river runs, warm as the morning sun. Please remember me..."

She almost dropped the strawberry Pop-tart hanging from her mouth as her two six year olds came piling through the front door, lost in the game of tag.

She quickly locked the front door to her two-bedroom apartment before following her twins, who were already trotting towards the parking lot.

"Just like the waves down by the shore, we're gonna keep on coming back for more. 'Cause we don't ever wanna stop. Out in this brave new world you seek, oh, the valleys and the peaks, and I can see you on the top..."

She slid into the driver's seat, peering into the rear-view mirror so she could make sure they had their seat belts on. She placed a thermos full of coffee into the cup-holder before starting the car.

"I won!" The boy stuck his tongue out at his sister and she retaliated by slapping his forehead with the palm of her hand.

"No hitting!" Their mother grumbled as she peeled out of the apartment complex.

"Well I won yesterday and the day before, Brandon James."

She was spunky, to say the least. She didn't take anyone's shit, and her mother was truly dreading the teenage years already.

Her appearance was drastically different than her brother's. While Brandon's hair and eyes were light and identical to their mother's, Kayla's eyes were a chocolaty-brown, "like a chocolate chip!" as their grandmother would say, and her hair was nearly black.

"You'll find better love, strong as it ever was, deep as the river runs, warm as the morning sun. Please remember me..."

"Shut up, Makayla Ray! You have a boy's middle name!" Brandon snickered at his own insult. "And I'm still older!"

This is the debate that their mother would hear for the rest of her life. It is true that Brandon was a whopping two minutes older than his sister, and he would never let her live it down.

Kayla pouted, "Mommy says I have a beautiful name."

As they pulled into the elementary school's parking lot and parked at the curb, she turned around to face her children. "You both have beautiful names. Now get outta here and learn something."

She smiled as they lugged their over-sized backpacks and ran as fast as their little legs would carry them towards their classroom.

She had twelve minutes to get to work and definitely couldn't afford to be late again.

She sped down the streets, swerving in and out of cars before settling on a parking space less than a block from the salon.

Her black heels clicked against the cement sidewalk as she adjusted the strap of her purse against her shoulder. The salon she worked as was located right on the corner.

"Remember me when you're out walkin', when the snow falls high outside your door. Late at night when you're not sleepin' and moonlight falls across your floor. When I can't hurt you anymore..."

As she reached to push the door open, she heard a loud revved engine coming down the street. Tossing her hair in the process, she locked over her shoulder and her blue eyes met a Harley. All black and chrome, sparkling in the sun. It was stopped at a red light.

She let her eyes wander. Black leather boots, black jeans, a black leather jacket, and a white t-shirt with some design on the front. His helmet covered most of his face, except his eyes.

A small, petite girl sat on the back, holding onto his frame tightly. Her long dark hair spiraled down her back in loose curls and she nuzzled her nose into the back of his leather jacket lovingly.

She was about to turn away when he cocked his head to the side. She gasped as her gaze met an all too familiar set of eyes. He mouthed something but she couldn't understand.

The light turned green and she just stood there, feeling as though she had just seen a ghost. She had stared into the eyes of her daughter, and he had no idea their two children even existed.

"You'll find better love, strong as it ever was, deep as the river runs, warm as the morning sun. Please remember me. Please remember me."