Never Seen It Before

Haven't been here

“This is the last time that you risk humans finding out about our existence Arianna . I hate to do this but you’re leaving Volterra” Aro avoided my gaze.

“You’re bluffing” I defiantly looked at him.

“Pack your bags, you leave in an hour” He again avoided my gaze; only then did I realize that he was serious this time. That he really did mean it when he said I was leaving Volterra.

“No, can’t do this to me. Think of mom, she should have never wanted you to do this to me” I pleaded tears forming in my eyes.

“You’re mother would have never let you get so reckless, I’ll admit this is partially my fault. But that does not change things; you’re leaving in an hour. Go pack” his voice thundered and echoed in the empty hall where it was just us two.

“I hate you” All anger and hatred in my voice as I turned around to leave.

“Do not speak to me like that. I’m your father” he ordered angrily.

“You’re not my father” I muttered loud enough for him to hear before running out of the hall,
tears falling down my face quickly.

I did as I had been told to do; I packed my bags and looked around my room for a last time. I was banished from the castle and that enough gave me enough anger to decide where my next home would be.

Aro had always been jealous of the Cullen’s although at the moment it was heard that they were only in Canada.

But why not go to Forks? It would give me some diversity from Italy. In reality, I had never been out of Italy and this would be a first. And I wouldn’t have to worry about the Cullen’s worrying about me.

I didn’t bother saying goodbye to anyone in the castle, they didn’t care. To them I was just a mere human in their world of vampires.

I guess to any other vampire who didn’t know of my situation they would be confused and shocked to know the Volturi had let a human know of their existence and done anything about it.

Aro was in fact my father, but I was human. I know it didn’t make sense, things in life were meant to be like that. Aro had some affairs with a human, their end result being me. What surprised them was that my mother carried out a normal pregnancy, all nine months. I was born normal, no vampire qualities; none at all.

She eventually died from a sickness that Aro didn’t bother dealing with; he never loved her. He loved the thrill. Of course he ended stuck with a daughter, not daring to change me; he wouldn't go against his own laws and I guess deep down he had some affection for me.
Being a spoiled teenager, I didn’t listen to his rules or anyone’s for the matter. Brining foreign guys home for enjoyment to see Marcus throw a fit when the foreigners figured out what everyone in the castle was.

Making it to the airport I tipped the cab driver before heading over to the counter to decide where my new home would be. Washington was one option, but another one was the rest of the world.

Then again in Washington I had the Cullen’s; they were some type of protection from rouge vampires. That thought made up my mind as I walked up the ticket lady with a smile and the credit card I had been given a while ago from Aro. “One way ticket to Seattle, Washington”
Twelve hours I found myself breathing in the air of Seattle; drastic weather change from hot and sunny Italy to cold and wet Seattle. Looking for the nearest hotel after I exited the airport I checked into a simple room before starting my laptop to get all the necessary things done with.

As I ended my phone call with Jason who would get me my false school documents so I could see how it felt like going to a real public school, along with a few documents I would need to purchase a home and car. He assured me that the papers would be done by tomorrow afternoon which was good; it gave me a day to get to know the city before having to pick up the documents.

Walking over one of my suitcase’s standing near the door, I opened it to change into some comfortable clothes for my first night in the hotel. I was relatively calm for someone who had just been kicked out of their home, traveled out of their home country for the first time and in an empty hotel room. But I was alright with it, a bit peeved that I had been kicked out of the castle but for the most part I could care less. I had freedom, I had no nagging adults in the background scolding me for everything. But more importantly I could be a normal teenager now.

I could go to public school, I could have friends, I could live a normal life. And that was worth trading everything and being here alone my first night in a new country. It was worth everything and so much more.
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