Never Seen It Before

My mission is coming clear

The air coming into car through the windows made my hair whip in every direction as I sped down the highway that led to my new home. There weren’t any homes currently on the market in Forks, but a cute little log cabin type of home was for sale on an Indian reservation a few miles down from the town.

Just so the town people didn’t ask anything, the story was that my grandmother was in a retirement home in Port Angeles and I moved into the reservation so I could be near in case anything happened.

Most people wouldn’t question a teenager who had sacrificed everything to move to an Indian reservation for their old grandmother so it was perfect. They wouldn’t question why no
parents were moving in with me.

Apart from that I purchased a vintage vehicle, an old camaro from the sixty’s in perfect condition. It was like a dream come true for me. It ran smoothly for its age and it had a decent mileage that wouldn’t worry me when I drove it.

Nearing the town limits I slowed down, I had to remind myself that everyone else here just happened to be humans. I couldn’t drive as fast I wanted like back in Volterra without getting reprimanded for it.

One good deal about my new home was that I had managed to have time to go furniture shopping while I was Seattle, and to my pleasure the furniture had been delivered this morning. So now I would just have to figure out how to move everything like I wanted around the house, which in reality wasn’t that big. It had two bedrooms, one master that had the built in bathroom and the guest room with a hallway bathroom in the hallway. Along with a small living room that led into the kitchen and then the garage. The house located near the edge of the woods didn’t bother me much.

My new home wasn’t that hard to find, it was the only house where the grass was tall enough for a small puppy to get lost and the outside of it need retouching along with the fence and almost everything else outside of the house. It only made my imagination wonder about how the inside was holding up.

Mentally I was already making a list of how much work I would need to do, thank god it was considered summer break at the moment so I wouldn’t have to multitask moving in, renovating this place and then going to school.

Looking into the house and attempting to even move the smallest piece of furniture I acknowledged that the easiest thing for me to do at the moment would just be renovating the outside.

Sighing I sang along to the radio as I got back into my car and driving towards where I had seen a few stores, hopefully they had paint so I could at least buy the supplies. I really didn’t mind the renovating. It would give me something to do for a while, Aro should be happy. I was finally alone with no one.

Grinning after I successfully parked outside of a store that sold everything needed for a garage to fix things and even paint. I walked into the store with a smile happy about my finding. Now the real problem would be choosing what type of paint and what color. I’m a girl and anyone with a brain would realize I could be here for a while, already proving myself right I spent ten minutes just looking at the colors they had.

“I would suggest using the paint with a double primer, you won’t have to put as many coats on” a voice offered from behind me.

I turned around to see a guy a bit taller than me, although his skin tone made me look albino. “Thank you; I’m Arianna, do you work here?”

“Yeah I’m Quil, can I help you with anything else?” he questioned, returning the smile.

Running a hand through my hair I nodded, “What else would I need to renovate the outside of a house?”

“Are you new here?” He started leading me down an aisle.

“Just moved here, I didn’t think my new house would be this rundown. No wonder the price was so low” I muttered more towards myself.

“Let me guess, you just moved into the old house on Ateara Avenue?” he guessed.

“Yeah, why?” I asked him amused.

“No one’s lived in that house for years, it’s going to take you a while to fix it up. But you and your parents should have it up and running soon” he assured me as he pointed to a few different utensils.

“Well then it’s going to take me a century. It’s just me” I admitted as he looked at me confused. “You see my grandma just got admitted into the retirement home in Port Angeles and since I’m here only grandchild I volunteered to move here so I could nearby in case of an emergency.”

“And you’re here with no supervision; you must not even be eighteen?” looking at me interested.

I nodded, “I just turned sixteen and my parents died when I was young so I’ve been living with my aunt but she’s a photographer for a nature and history magazine so she travels a lot and we’re all my grandma has left.”.

“That’s nice of you. Hey if you need help just come by, my friends and I wouldn’t mind helping you out” he rang up my few supplies.

“Trust me; the way this house looks I’m going to be stopping by a lot. But do you know where the closest grocery store is?” I asked him as the front door opened.

“Yeah, you just pull out of here go straight and turn at your first right. It’ll take you to the reservation’s grocery store. If not Forks has a bigger one” he showed me through the window.

“Thanks again, and nice meeting you” Before I turned to leave the store as two boys walked past me and straight towards Quil.

Surprisingly I didn’t get lost as I drove to the supermarket to get a few simple supplies for me to eat for a few days until I got at least the kitchen set up. I could try to fix room by room so it wasn’t such a big project.