Never Seen It Before

Still a million miles to go

“You clean up nicely” I noted to Paul as he waited outside my front door after I opened it.

“You look great” He smiled, causing one to form on my face as we walked towards his truck.

“So you do you have any idea on which movie you want to see?” He drove to Port Angeles.

“I don’t have anything on my mind, you choose” I offered.

“Are you sure? Most girls want to watch chick flicks” shockingly admitting, he looked at me before moving his gaze back onto the street.

“I’m not like most girls remember?” I giggled

“It’s a good thing, it’s refreshing.” He reminded me with a smile.

“Good” I murmured looking out the window as we started talking about favorite things.

His favorite color was green, mine was blue. He hated reading, I loved it. His favorite sport was football, while mine was tennis. We both had goals for graduating and going to college and although we had a few opposite favorites I couldn’t help but start falling for him already.
His birthday was in November, he loved his friends and wouldn’t give them up for anything, he believed in love at first sight; something I wouldn’t have expected from him, his parents were divorced and he promised that whenever he did get married he would never get a divorce, and he had a slight anger problem.

He was nothing like I had guessed he was, he was right. I shouldn’t have automatically judged him; Paul was the complete opposite that I thought he was. He was nice and polite, he was gentle and it amazed me how much he had to say when the things he liked came up.

Even just when he started talking about cars I noticed that his tone changed and he had this emotion in his voice, and so far I found it incredibly attracting.

“I’m talking too much aren’t I” he assumed as I laughed.

Shaking my head I looked at him, “No, you’re not. You’re letting me get to know you”.

“Oh really? And how’s it going? Still think I’m the conceited jerk just interested in scoring?” he joked.

“No, you’re the complete opposite. I’m happy that I agreed to this date”.

“I’m happy you agreed to his too” letting me know, he parked the car outside a cute little

“You like burgers right?” making sure I didn’t mind he opened the door for me, letting me enter first.

“I love them, how’d you know?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Honestly? I didn’t, I just knew you weren’t like most girls so I brought you here out on a limb”.

We continued to talk as we ordered our food and kept talking up to when they came out with our plates. As I bit into my burger I noticed Paul give me the most shocked look.

“What?” I asked as I finished chewing and taking a sip of my soda.

“You’re first girl I’ve seen eat on a date” he told me as he bit into his own burger as I smirked at him.

“I’m not like all those girls remember?”

“I like it” he let me know taking my hand causing me to laugh,

“As much as I would love to hold your hand. You’re going to need both of them to eat your
burger. But once we finish eating you can hold it all you want”

A blush crept on his face as he nodded before finishing his burger, “You look cute when you blush” I noted, as another blush crept up on him.

“Enough with making me blush, isn't my job to make you blush?” he questioned looking in my yes. We stayed like that until our waitress came up to our table with the receipt. I tried to pay my part but Paul refused sticking the money in it and quickly handing it to the waitress as I pouted.

“It’s my job to pay” he reminded me as we drove towards the movie theatres, of course with
him holding my hand.

“So which movie looks good to you?” We walked up to the box office,

“How about King Kong?”


“Yes, now will you buy the tickets while I buy the snacks?"

“You just ate” he pointed out amused.

“I know, but it’s not a movie without the snacks” I replied with a smirk.

“Whatever you say” kissing my cheek with a chuckle he went to pay for our tickets while I headed inside to buy the snacks. We made it into the theatre in time as the last commercial ended and the movie began. I’m sure he enjoyed the parts where I turned into his side when I got scared.

The car ride back to the reservation was fun as we attempted to find a decent radio station to sing along to.

As he pulled into my driveway he walked me up to my front door, when he went in for a kiss I turned my head so he kissed my cheek causing him to look at me amused.

“I don’t kiss on the first date” I murmured with a smile.

Laughing he nodded, “So that means there’s going to be a second”.

“Hopefully” I nodded, “I’ll see you around, goodnight ” I opened my door as I walked in and
closed the door behind me making sure to lock it before going to my room and falling on my bed as I thought about the date.
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