Never Seen It Before

You tell me.

“Spill, so how was the date” Jacob said the first thing the next morning when I got to his garage.

“Geez, good morning to you too” I muttered taking a seat on a stool.

“Fine, good morning. Now tell me” he whined.

“You sound like a girl” I told him bluntly.

Scoffing, he rolled his eyes. “Wait till Quil get’s here than”

“Oh shush, you’re just mad because I called you a girl” I laughed. “But if you must know, it went great. We’re going on a second date soon”.

Jacob whistled amused as he went under the rabbit, “Two dates? Wow, he needs to share his game plan with me”.

“I thought you weren’t interested in any girls at the moment?” I asked him confused.

“I’m not, but you never know” he reasoned causing me to laugh hysterically.

“You’re horrible!”

“The babe’s love it” he claimed proudly.

“Would that be the small freshmen from last year?”

“No, I’m just saying. You never know” I could practically see the smirk on his face. “Wipe the smirk off your face Black, you’re not that exciting”.

“Way to hurt the ego” he muttered as I continued to laugh.

“I’ll see you later. I have to go see if my last supplies arrived yet” I told him before heading off into the town to see if they had the last few things I needed for my house.

It was shocking to see how two weeks had passed already. Walking into the store I asked them if my shipment had arrived yet, after they checked the inventory telling me that it hadn’t arrived yet I headed over to the grocery store to buy more food for myself.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind me, “Now why is such a pretty girl shopping alone?”

Laughing I turned around in his arms before looking up at him, “Well this girl does need food to survive” I reminded him amused as pulled his arms off me so I could go back to shopping.

“What are you doing today?” he asked as I walked down an aisle crossing things off my list of supplies needed.

I turned to him with a soft smile and pleading eyes, “Well I was going to try some new recipes but I need someone to try them-” I started out.

“I’ll do it” he replied instantly causing me to grin and hug him tightly.

“Really? Because I don’t bake that much, so I’m not sure how they’ll turn out” I murmured worriedly as I paid for all of my supplies.

“Don’t worry about it. I promise to be a hundred percent honest if they’re horrible” he promised with a smile.

Two hours later and three batches of cookies I found myself with the perfect cookies, well in my opinion they were.

“So how are they?” I asked him hopeful.

“Great” he grinned chewing on a cookie.

“Really? Because if it sucks you can tell me, I won’t get my feelings hurt. I promise” I
assured him.

“Really, they’re great. I’ll eat the whole batch” he promised me, taking the cookies with him
into the living room.

Laughing I finished putting everything into the dish washer before heading into the living
room to see half the cookies left, making me realize he really did like the cookies; a grin
forming on my face.

“What’s that grin for?” he questioned as I sat next to him.

“You actually like the cookies” I took one and bit into it, instantly spitting it out. “This is
disgusting. How are you eating it?”

“Because you made them, they taste great” he mumbled taking the rest of the cookie from my hand.

“You’re adorable” I cooed kissing his cheek.

“So would this count as a second date?” he questioned, a small hint of hope hidden in his words.

“I don’t know I was hoping you could tell me” I murmured softly looking up at him, getting lost in his eyes.

Chuckling, he softly bent his head lower to my level before pressing his lips against my forehead. “You’re too cute for your own good”.

Giggling I mustered up the strength to press my lips against his even though he hadn’t
made any move to kiss me, it wasn’t a forceful kiss. Just a simple one before I pulled away
and smile at him.

“I love your smile” he pointed out softly before his phone started ringing. I waited patiently as he had his short conversation and watched as he stood up;. “I have to get to work, but I’ll see you tomorrow night? Date number two”. I walked him towards the front door.

“I thought I told you I didn’t kiss until the second date” I laughed. “So technically tomorrow is date number three” I corrected him.

“Date number three” he agreed opening the door.

“I’ll see you tomorrow” leaning up I pressed my lips against his another time before he pulled away and walked down my front porch steps. Closing the door behind him I grinned as I looked around the house.