Never Seen It Before


I spent the morning taking a jog around the trail that went around La Push before heading home and showering, I wanted to be at least decently presentable to Paul’s friends. I wanted this relationship to work out, and if his friends didn’t like me, I didn’t want to put a strain on Paul’s relationship with them.

Paul confided in me how much his friends meant to him, and he would do anything for them. So his friends were important to me too.

I was in the laundry room when I heard a knock at the door, expecting it to be Paul I simply just opened the door.

Paul chuckled pulling me into a hug before looking at me, “That’s not very safe, how would you know if I was some crazy killer looking for you?”

Leaning up so I could kiss his cheek I grinned, “Well then I guess you would just have to be my knight in shining armor”

“Do I get a cool horse?”

Laughing I pocked his chest; “Do you even know how to ride one?”

Rolling his eyes playfully he shook his head, then kissing the top of my head, “Ready to go?”

Looking into the hallway mirror I did a double take to see if I looked presentable, “Do I look ok?”

“Yes. Now let’s go” he whined.

“I want your friends to like me” I scolded slapping away his hands trying to grab my waist to be able to pull me out of the house.

“You’ll be fine, just be yourself and smile” Chuckling he opened the door, “They won’t care as long as they see how happy you make me”. Opening he passenger for me, I got into his truck and watched as he ran around to get in on his side.

Playing with his radio I looked at him, “So what did you do this morning?”.

“Not much, I hung out with my dad before he left work and then just gave the truck a cleaning and then I headed over here, you?”.

I shrugged my shoulders, “I just took a run and got ready, not that exciting”

We eventually made it to the diner and I was jumping with anxiety over meeting his friends, as if I was meeting his parents. But then I reminded myself how much his friends meant to him and I didn’t want to be in the middle.

Opening my door, Paul helped me out but before I could get away from the truck he kissed me and pressed me against it. We stayed there fighting for dominance with our tongues for a bit until he pulled away, “Now chill” he laughed, “They’ll love you, and if you start freaking out just squeeze my hand and I’ll change whatever the subject is. Ok?”

Nodding softly I pressed my lips against his a final time before pushing him away lightly and walking towards the diner with Paul in tow. Instantly when we walked into the diner, Paul’s voice boomed in excitement when he called out his friend’s names.

“Guys this is Arianna, Aria this is Brody, Johnny, and Chris” Paul introduced us before we slid into the booth across from the guys.

“Now Arianna. Please tell us, what in your right mind has you with Paul?” Brody chuckled amused.

“Please Brody, as if you could get someone as pretty as her” Chris scoffed punching him in the arm causing me to laugh. “Brody has a point, I didn’t like Paul the first time I met him”.

Paul kissed my temple, “You loved my act from the beginning”.

“I was deciding between throwing beer on you or the hotdog” I admitted kissing his cheek.
“Aw look at the two lovebirds” Johnny teased.

I instantly fit in with the guys, and all doubts and insecurities of not fitting in with them vanished as we all laughed and joked around as we had lunch.

“You’ve got to bring her along more often Paul. She hilarious and burns you at every moment. She’s a keeper” Chris insisted doing that thing where guys bump fists.

Brody laughed hugging me goodbye, “Now if he’s giving you any problems. Just look for us and give us a holler. We’ll straighten him up”.

Nodding I smiled saying goodbye to all the guys as they left, once they did Paul and I got into the truck. “So how’d you like them?”

“They were great. They’re amusing and it’s fun to get along with them so easily”

Grinning he grabbed my hand while starting the engine with his other hand and steering his truck, “So do you have to be anywhere?”.

Thinking about it I shook my head, “not in particular. Do you want to come over and just hang out?”

We didn’t say much on the ride back to my place other than sing along to the radio and laugh at each other, I was happy with him and I would never regret leaving Italy. I felt like a normal teenager most of the time, sure I lived on my own but it hadn’t bothered me yet.

“So school starts in a few weeks” Paul complained while we just watched some movie playing,

With a chesire grin on my face I looked at him, “We. Get. To. Spend. All.Day. Together”.

“Hell yeah, I get to show off my hot girlfriend” he fist pumped excitedly as I laughed at his actions before looking outside and realizing it was sunny.

Jumping up from the couch I started hopping up and down, “Let’s go to the beach. It’s sunny” pulling Paul up who just complained about finishing his movie, “Please? It’s rarely sunny”.

“You’re lucky your cute” he grumbled getting up.