Never Seen It Before

Rising Waters Made Me Choke

Paul grumbled a few profanities under his breath as I made him sit down and eat a decent breakfast before we left for the first day of school, “I still don’t understand why you insist on breakfast”

Rolling my eyes amused I continued to eat my fruit salad, waiting to swallow before replying, “Because, it’s the most important meal of the day”. Standing up I took my plate and his and
placed them in the dishwasher before putting everything away and grabbing my messenger bag and facing Paul, “Ready?”

“You didn’t let me get seconds” he whined with a smile.

“Says the one who was complaining about my food” I retorted with a laugh.

Laughing he walked over to me, kissing me softly before pulling me along to the front door. “Lock up and I’ll get the truck started”.

Doing as he told me to, I locked the front door before walking over to the truck and attempting to get myself in it; it didn’t help that it was a bit high off the ground, though Paul enjoyed a quick laugh every time.

“I’ll get you a step for it” He assured me, trying not laugh.

I looked at him, trying to keep a straight face as he drove “You get a step and I won’t talk to you for a week”

Parking at the school he turned to “Don’t even try, you’d cave the first day”

Shaking my head I got out of the truck, walking with Paul into my first public school.

Reminding me what I had left behind just a few weeks ago in Italy. Not one single form of communication from anyone in Volterra. Not even Aro had tried to communicate with me, part of me was fine with it, and the other part was heartbroken to know their father didn’t care. But I was happy, I had a normal life now.


I pushed Paul away as he tried to kiss my cheek, “Paul I’m sick and I feel like crap”

“That’s why I came to check up on you” he reasoned sneaking a kiss on my cheek.

“That’s nice and everything, but I don’t want to get you sick” pushing him away again I stood up and went to the kitchen to get me more soup, “And weren’t you supposed to go out with the guys?”

“Yeah, but I just wanted to make sure you were ok” he murmured leaning on the door frame as I drank my soup.

I smiled at him, “I would kiss you but I’m sick”

Chuckling he walked towards me and kissed my forehead before the doorbell rang, “You’re expecting company?”

I nodded before pulling away so I could open the front door to let Jake in, “Yeah, Jake and I are having a movie night since I got him sick”.

Paul glared at Jake before turning to me, “And so that’s why you wanted me to leave so quickly? So I wouldn’t know he was coming over?”.

Rolling my eyes I groaned in frustration, I was sick from the cold November weather and
didn’t want to deal with this at the moment. Paul had been having a few moments every now and then when I hung out with Jake, Embry or Quil. “No, I just don’t want you to get sick”.

“But he can be here right?” he fumed.

“Jake is already sick. You are not; and I’m not in the mood to fight with you right now. So just go hang out with Brody”

“Fine; I’ll leave” he grumbled slamming the front door behind him as I walked towards the living room with two bowls of soup, one for myself and one for Jake.

“Do-you-guys-always-fight like-that?” Jake asked between coughs.

“No” I sighed, “He’s just been getting jealous more often than usual. I think it’s because it’s
one of his longest relationships and doesn’t want to risk anything, you know?”

“Sure sure” he chuckled before taking my bowl of soup when I wasn’t noticing.


“I’m gonna get home, it’s gonna get dark soon” Jake murmured getting up from the couch
and letting the blankets fall off him.

Waving goodbye at him I picked up the control before looking up at him, “Tell him I say hi”.
I waited until I heard the front door close behind him before getting comfortable in the blankets he had been using and propping my arm as a pillow, my laziness getting to me.

About the fall into a deep sleep when the front door opened loud enough for me to hear and it mutter profanities aloud at Jake who had probably forgotten something. “Why would you wake up a sick girl?” I whined not looking up at who was standing in front of me.

Hearing a chuckle different than Jakes made me open my eyes and look up, only to groan even more knowing there was a slight chance of getting into another fight with Paul. “What,
you don’t want to see me now? And I’m sorry about the way I was behaving earlier”

Nodding I made some room for him to sit with me, “I know, and I’m sorry for snapping. I’m just done with being sick”

He kissed my forehead before kissing my lips and moving me so that I was laying on him, “Are you going to school tomorrow?”

I shook my head, “I don’t think so. I think I’m just going to stay home the next two days until break starts”

“Talking about break, what are you doing for thanksgiving next week?”

I had to think about it for a minute since it would be my first time celebrating the holiday, the Italians didn’t celebrate this holiday and the Volturi rarely celebrated any holiday to begin
with. “Probably not much, just stay home and make myself dinner”

Paul looked at me with a smile, “Well my mom wants to meet you, so maybe you could come to Thanksgiving dinner?”

“Meet her. As in, meet her as your girlfriend?” I stuttered worried.

Nodding he looked at me hopeful, “Please? She’s been dying to meet you”

“Well then, I guess it’s a good thing I’ve been practicing my baking” I grinned up at him since
my head was on his lap.

“How about we just take one step at a time” he offered amused.

“No, if I’m going to meet your mom as your official girlfriend I can’t go over empty handed”

Laughing he kissed me softly, “She’ll love you, just don’t make any cakes or pies for now”