Status: Typing :)

Pretty Red Pumpkin Skittles.

Chapter Eleven.

I woke up early Monday morning. 5am to be exact and got into work for 6am. I set all the machines up and make myself a coffee, just as my first employee walks in.
“Ah, just the girl I wanted to see.” I grin at her.
“Hey Mikey…” Jess blushes.
“How do you feel about being promoted?” I grin and take a sip of my coffee.
“Promoted?” She gasped.
“Assistant manager, you will have complete control over everything that goes down in the shop when I’m not here, you will get to open up and close up. I really need your help this week sweets. I will only be able to come in for a few hours between 9:30am and 12pm, so what do you think?” I smile, leaning on the counter.
“Are you serious? You trust me that much?” She stared, wide eyed at me.
“110%” I grin.
“Well… yeah! Of course Mikey, that’d be so cool.” She grinned back.
“Awesome, you start today. And I promise you, you will get a huge bonus at the end of the month.” I smile and watch her move around to this side.
“Wow… thank you Mikey.” She grinned and hugged me.
“Oh, no thank you!” I hug back.

Sat in my front room, I look towards the clock that shows the time to be 11:59am, she should be here soon. I cleaned up the front room, removing my cigarettes and ashtrays from reach. Just as I put them on a high shelf, I heard a small knock at my front door. I walk over and pull the door open.
“Hey Mikes. Where should I put these two bags?” She smiled and handed me two bags.
“How much stuff you brought round?” I laugh and nod towards my spare bedroom.
“7 day’s change of clothes, his pillow, his blanket, his teddy and his PJ’s and a few extra bits and pieces you will need.” She smiled and walked into the spare bedroom putting the bags on the bed.
“Oh right.” I close the door and follow her.
“Remember he starts at 9 finishes at 1:30, he’s become fussy over what he eats for dinner lately, so just ask him… knowing you, you’ll buy take out anyway, just remember to give him some fruits and vegetables. He needs a bottle of warm milk and a story before he sleeps. You should put him to sleep around 9pm.” She chewed her lip, thinking.
“I remember. It was only a fortnight ago I had him round last.” I smile, watching her.
“I know, just… you have my number. I trust you Mikes. I know you will be great with him.” She smiled and hugged me.
“We’ll have a lot of fun. He’ll be just as you left him.” I hugged back.
“I know…” She smiled and pulled back. “I should be going. I’ll call later ok?” She sighed.
“Ok, but don’t worry. You have enough to worry about at your parents, than my parenting.” I smile and poke my tongue out.
“I know… ok, bye Mikes.” She smiled and left.

Placing a new sheet on the bed, I put his pillow, blanket and teddy onto the bed. I put all his clothes away and set his books on the top of the bedside table. I look down at my watch, rushing out the room. I grab my jacket, keys and head out the front door. Rushing down the stairs, out the building, I hear my phone start to ring. I take it from my pocket and see the screen flash Frankie Calling…
“Hey…” I smile answering the phone, walking faster to the school round the corner.
”Hey, I was just thinking of you and wanted to see how you are today?” Frank smiled down the phone.
“Oh, I’m alright… you were thinking of me?” I raise an eyebrow and walk into the playground.
”Yup, I was thinking of how perfect it would be if on Wednesday night, if you are free, I could cook you dinner again.” He carried on smiling.
“Oh, I’m sort of busy this week…” I chew my lip and sit on the wall. Noticing other parents have just showing up.
”Oh… don’t you have an hour spare at all this week?” He sounded hurt.
“Not in person no. Look Frankie… I should go…” I sigh, watching as some kid’s come out.
”Can we Skype tonight?” Frank continued to sound sad.
“Um, sure, I’ll be on around 9:30…” I smile, seeing James run over. “I’ll talk tonight Frankie… bye.” I hung up and crouched down to his height, just as James threw his arms around my neck.
“Daddy!” James squealed as I lifted him up.
“Hey little dude” I smile and carry him out the school gates. “Did you have a good day at school?”

We arrived back at mine. I put him down as he ran into the front room.
“Can we watch a film daddy?” James smiled up at me.
“Of course, why don’t you choose one?” I smile and walk into the kitchen.
I pour some apple juice into his favourite cup and made some coffee. I walk back into the front room and place his cup on the table.
“Can we watch this one?” He smiled, bright eyed at me.
“The Gruffalo…?” I smile, turning the TV on and opening the DVD disc holder.
“Yeah… it’s my favourite daddy…” He held out the DVD.
“I know, we watch it ever time don’t we?” I put the disc in and press play.
I stand up as he crawls up onto the couch and watches the screen. I smile, walking back into the kitchen and pouring myself a cup of coffee, when my text alarm goes off.
From Frankie;
’I don’t know if it’s just Jake making me paranoid, but you do like me right? Last night wasn’t a mistake was it?’
Sighing, I pick my cup up and walk back into the front room. Sitting next to James, I text back.
To Frankie;
’I do like you, quite a lot. It’s just I have a guest round this week and he’s going to be keeping me busy. I didn’t mean for you to feel left out.’
“Who are you talking to daddy?” James stood up, holding onto my shoulder.
“Daddy’s friend” I smile at him.
“Can I meet daddy’s friend?” He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder.
“Not yet…” I smile. “But one day.”
From Frankie;
’Oh, well sorry, I didn’t mean to overreact… just paranoid sometimes. Ha.’
To Frankie;
’Don’t worry, I’ll Skype tonight though <3. I got to go, xxx’

Three films, some warmed up leftovers and a bath later. James is curled up under his duvet, gripping tightly onto his teddy. I pick up a book and sit next to him on the bed.
“Daddy…?” He looked up at me as I looked down. “I like staying here.” He smiled and cuddled up to my leg.
“I like having you here.” I smile and start reading the book.
Just over 10 minutes later, he is fast asleep. I pull away slowly, placing the book on the side, I lean down to kiss his forehead and pull his blanket up.
“Good night, my little prince.” I whisper, turning the night light on, the main light off and pulled the door closed.
I grab my cigarettes from the shelf, turning the lights off as I walk into my room. Sitting in front of my laptop at its desk, I turn Skype on and sign in.
‘Frank Iero, Calling.’
I bite my lip, getting a cigarette out and pressing answer. I light the cigarette and take a drag.
”Hey Mikey…” Frank smiled at me.
“Hey…” I yawn a little.
”Been a long day?” He asked.
“Something like that… it’s not that easy keeping him entertained.” I smile weakly and take a drag.
”Who is he?” Frank raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t want to lie to you… but we’ve only been going out 3 day now. I feel like we’re moving way to fast…” I take a drag, not looking at the screen. “I didn’t want to tell you this way… and not now, but whatever… 5 years ago, in my drug and drunken fuelled days, I made a very beautiful and amazing mistake.”
”I don’t understand. What you are saying?” Frank looked confused.
“I have a son.” I shrug and take a drag of my cigarette.
”A son? You have a son? Who is 5?” Frank gasped.
“Yes. His name is James. He lives with his mother most the time, except every other weekend. Emily had to go do some family thing this week, so she asked if I could look after him.” I sigh and take another drag. “Look Frank, this, this is going to fast way to soon. You weren’t meant to find out about him… not yet… there was no need. I don’t even know why I am telling you.” I look up, feeling a tear fall down my cheek.
”I really like you Mikey… nothing else matters. I like you. So you have a son… that’s ok… isn’t it?” Frank chewed his lip and leaned closer to the screen. ”Believe it or not, I want to be with you… you interest me and I like you.”
“Daddy…?” James walked in crying.
“Oh come here, bear.” I put the cigarette out and pick him up onto my lap, feeling a tear fall down my cheek as I hold him close. “Daddy’s here.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Note; If you do not know what "The Gruffalo" is, I suggest looking it up and if you can, watch it!
It's my favourite children's film. :D!

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