Enter Reaver

The Princess is Prey

"Men's PJs. Women's PJs. Condom, condom….where is it boy?" you murmured to your dog, closing another of Reaver's bedroom cabinets. The dog barked once then scrambled off. "She had better be grateful this and by grateful I mean blabber to everyone she knows….Just hope Reaver doesn't hear about it." You sighed. You were about to cross the room when you saw your dog sitting by a set of doors. Glancing over your shoulder you saw the doors you first entered through. "You found his closet?" you asked your dog as you gripped the doorknobs. Swinging the doors open, you found another room with another bed. "Of course…Reaver would have a bedroom in his bedroom." You muttered walking inside. You stopped short spotting a large cage in the left corner. The dog barked startling you. He was sitting by a chest. "You found it?" you asked hopefully. The dog barked again as you hunched down. Due to the lack of windows in the inner bedroom you fumbled with the chest before successfully opening it. Laying ontop of what appeared to be dozens of condoms was what you had been searching for – Reaver's underwear.
As you reached for it you heard the doors slam closed. Spinning around you saw, horror of horrors, Reaver himself, his hands behind his back as if he had closed the doors while watching you. Anxiety rumbled in your ribcage as you straightened up. "Princess." He greeted. "I'm /sure/ you have an explanation for this.."
"….Your obsessed fan." You said.
"You're helping Benjamin…how very…novel…" Reaver replied, leaving his post. "Barely a day has passed and already you've abandoned your revolution in favor of me. I'm touched!"
"It's not like that. I was just trying to get more renown." You responded, heart hammering as he drew closer.
"By helping my fan? Surely there are more…respectable quests to be had."
"She came to me."
"I bet she did! She must have heard of you crashing my party. Dear Benjamin was probably green as a lilypad from jealousy." Reaver stopped a foot from you. His face was unreadable, his fingernails tapping against his cane. "She'd be greener still if she knew what I intended to do with you." He continued.
"..I'm marrying Elliot…" you told him.
"I am happy for you both of course but that doesn't change things."
"What things? Forget Benjamin, I'll just…"
"Now-now, Princess, that is no way to speak about my most /devoted/ fan. Simpleton or not I hold her in high regard!…From afar." Reaver said.
"I'll be sure to tell her that…" you replied trying to walk around him. His cane snapped out connecting with your stomach and crushing the wind out of your lungs.
Reaver rested a hand on your shoulder leading you backwards. "My dear ~~~~~~~~~ if I were to just let you leave my bed would never forgive me. It's seen you and now it wants you. It knows I only bring the best into this chamber to rattle it for hours on end. What would it think if you were to just walk out? Why the carpet would cry from the lack of clothes shed!" You barely registered your legs bumping against the base of the bed when Reaver gently pushed you down. "No-no, you mustn't leave. Not yet." His cane crashed against the wall as he climbed ontop of you.
"D-Do this and I'll…"
"Oooo a threat, I've never heard one of those before."
"Reaver…" His mouth swallowed the rest of your words.