

The girl bolts upright in bed, carefully picking up her glasses and putting them on. She blinks, letting her eyes adjust to the dark room and frowns before quietly getting out of bed, listening intently for what had caused her to awaken. An audible thud sounds from the lower portion of the house, causing the girl to freeze in her trek across the room. The sound continues as she goes back to her bed, crouching and pulling a baseball bat from beneath it. She crosses to the bedroom door, opening it and brandishing the bat in front of her as she exits the room.

She descends the stairs carefully, checking her surroundings before heading to the kitchen, her back to the wall when she realizes the door in the kitchen has been forcibly opened. Her heart pounds in her chest as the door hits the wall and the floor creaks as the intruder steps inside. She tightens her grip on the bat, counting the steps as the door creaks shut and they move towards the archway where's she's hiding. When the final step is counted, the girl whirls around and swings the baseball bat as hard as she can. The intruder emits a pained noise stumbling back, a hand to their upper arm.

She feels along the wall for the phone, hitting the light switch instead. As the light turns on and reveals the intruder, she drops the bat in equal parts of shock and horror. "Sam?"

"Hey, Gats" he winces, holding his arm gingerly. "I unlocked the door, but it got stuck again."

"Sam, I... I thought someone was trying to break in. I didn't realize you'd be coming home, so I figured the worst. Why don't you let me take a look at your arm..."

"I think it's okay, just bruised pretty badly. Where did you learn to swing a bat that hard?"
♠ ♠ ♠
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