Status: Unknown



Frank rolled out of bed, he made his way sleepily to the kitchen. No one else was awake yet. He decided to make some coffee for when Gerard & Mikey woke up.

A few minutes after he had stared brewing the coffee a sleepy, messy haired Gerard walked into the kitchen. "Is that coffee I smell?" He ask, his eyes brightening up.

Frank laughed, "What else would it be?"

"Uhm, I don't know? Some random concoction of expired drinks poured into the coffee machine?" Gerard asked, one eyebrow lifted.

"Uhg, you and your imagination! It's just coffee!"

"Did I hear someone say coffee?!?!" Mikey asked from the doorway.

"Yep, coffeee!" Gerard said as he poured himself a cup, "And none is for you Mikes"

Mikey glared at his older brother. He walked up to Gerard, took his cup of coffee, went to the living room and turned on the tv. Gerard stared at his empty hand, "That fucker took my coffee!"

Frank sighed and poured Gerard a cup of coffee before he tackled Mikey to the ground, "Here, drink the damn coffee before he steals this cup."

Gerard took the cup and went to change out of his pajamas before everyone else woke up.

Frank got a pop tart and went to sit next to Mikey in the living room. Mikey stared at Frank's pop tart, "Can you get me on?" Mikey whined.

"You have legs, get one your damn self."

"Uhg, no, that means getting up and walking!"

"Lazy fucker," Frank mumbled to himself.

Mikey threw a pillow at Frank's face but missed even though he was right next to him.

"Please tell me you never played any smarted besides Kickball."

"Shuddup" Mikey mumbled then got up to go to his room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I wrote all this randomly.
So far there is no plot.
I might just write random chapters when I'm bored.

I wrote about coffee because I haven't had any in months and I want some fucking coffee!