41 Days in High School

Day Two

Lee JinKi's diary....

"Is this the reality you wanted," JongHyun would say, well ask. It was fitness day today, well for the guys. The girls were swimming in the pool. It was a pain, I swear I am sore than ever. We never did this much exercise in Korea. This is like the army, you don't do one thing right and BAM you get a damn punishment that is worse than the exercise. I had heard from Luna that Soo Young had refused to go in the pool, saying that the water would mess her hair up. I understand, but really? Girls take care of themselves too much.


JongHyun sat across JinKi as usual during their lunch period, "What's up?" the younger would ask, always.

"Nothing," JinKi said, taking a bit out of the crisp French fry.

"Aww c'mon something must of happened."

"It's 'must have', and nothing really. Though I got gym punished, my teacher is a jerk."

"Pabo, you know you have to try your hardest in gym class."

"I'm too lazy."

"I know," JongHyun grabbed one of JinKi's fries and popped it into his mouth.

"You should have some table manners, meaning also you shouldn't steal food," JinKi pulled the tray of food closer to him, in order for the younger one to not grab anymore food.

"I share with you all the time," JongHyun flailed his arms in the air, causing others to stare at them.

"No...you don't, what about that time you had pocky and I asked for some, you had specifically said, 'sharing is NOT caring' but then you gave Narsha some."

"She is my noona."

JinKi scoffed, "Fine, how about the time you-"

"JongHyun, Mom said to not eat junk food anymore."

A 3rd year glared at the younger one, "She doesn't know I'm even eating this. She miles away so calm down."

"I'm so getting you in trouble."

"How much money do you want."

"24000 WON," the older student smirked when she saw her brother pull out his wallet.

"Here, now don't tell her," JongHyun then cursed under his breath, "What was that about?" JinKi asked.

"My older sister, third year, acts like a five year old, I'm not allowed to eat junk food anymore.

My mom says I have to keep my throat clean and clear for my voice to sound really good.

She's taking me to audition for SM Entertainment in exactly a week. I don't understand about my throat part though."

"She should just worry about your vocal chords, not your throat."

"Aren't they in your throat?"

JinKi shrugged, he sang, but he never had the thought of finding out how singing works.

"You're not worried about auditioning," JongHyun looked up from his plate, "Of course I am, I want to become a singer, but I don't want to end up leaving my entire family and friends."

"Don't you have to make it after auditions and you have rounds?"

"That's for other companies, for this one only around 5 people get chosen out of 1,000 that audition."

"Tha-that's a bit too little."

"It's not like all of the people that audition are going to get in, SM isn't that big ya know."

"I know, but still, have you gotten your number."

"Yeah, my mom decided to call them right after they announced auditions online. She's been trying to get me into so many music companies, it's awful."

"Have you ever made it?"

"Yes, for YG last year, but when they found out that I was still thirteen, they wouldn't accept me. I had to be fourteen in order to get in. I was happy that I wasn't going to be a trainee, I was thirteen; I was barely entering my last year of junior high. It was scary."

"Man, I would kill to get into YG or any music company."

"It sounds fun when you dream about it, once you have to audition; you feel this scary adrenaline and get nervous. And for me, once I got in. It felt like I couldn't get out until I got that call saying I wasn't able to get in because of my age. If I make it this time, I'm done for it and have to become a trainee."

"Have you ever tried you not do so well in auditions, or faked to not go to an audition?"

"You ask too much JinKi," the JongHyun then chuckled, "But yeah, for at least six of them, I was still in my last year of junior high and I didn't want to lose important education. I have faked a couple of times too, having swine-flu, stomach-flu, constipation, I even told a gang to hurt me so I wouldn't have to go to three auditions in a day. JinKi, you know how much it hurt. I had to go to a hospital after that and stayed for two weeks under surveillance. And then right when I got out I heard my mom signed me up for a singing academy. I told her right in the face that I didn't want to go to auditions anymore. She then slapped me across the mouth and kept on yelling how ungrateful I am for saying that after all the time she has tried making me famous.

You could see JongHyun's eyes get glassy, he got up, pulling up his scarf to cover more of his face.

"I'll go first today."


"Bye, I'll see you later."

JinKi sighed, he shouldn't have asked questions. He felt awful.