Remembering Me

Chapter 1 Part 2

"Lazy cub," Damon laughed watching as the two carried all the boxes from their car into the house. When the car was empty they both disappeared and Damon turned to face his Alpha lowering his head revealing his neck, the perfect submissive.

"She's lost?" Alpha asked.

"No bonds that I could see Alpha." Damon whispered closing his eyes.

"She should have approached me then before coming. It's law." Alpha growled causing Damon to fall to his knees and Jeremy to awaken.

"Do you think she knows?" Jeremy asked showing that he had obviously been paying attention, as he looked straight at Alpha who raised a brow in response, waiting. "Al..alpha!" Jeremy added quickly before lowering himself to the ground. "Forgive please Alpha." he whimpered.

Alpha nodded walking out of the shadows looking at the house his eyes immediately found the brunette on the balcony with paper and charcoal in hand.. Every now and then she would glance up and at the forest before going back to the paper her eye brows crinkling and her tongue poking out between her teeth. Alpha moved farther forward until she saw the movement and looked directly at him. She dropped the drawing, Alpha watched it slowly drift down to the ground. When he looked back up she was gone. He shook his head taking this as a sign of fear knowing she had broken a law. Then he turned and started to head back into the trees.


Alpha turned back around and the girl was there picking up the drawing .

There was an awkward silence before she finally asked with a sarcastic smile on her face, "is this town as awful as it seems?"

"Not once you get used to it." Alpha laughed catching a glimpse of the drawing, a perfect recreation of the view behind him.

"Lacey-Ann come help find the pans! Time for dinner." A woman shouted from inside.

Lacey-Ann rolled her eyes and looked up at Alpha again. "You should come have some dinner. You would be saving me from a long lecture about my attitude and moving and blah blah blah. Pleeease?" SHe smiled more at him and he couldn't seem to resist.

"Okay Lacey-Ann, but if you turn out to be a serial killer who eats innocent men like me then... well then i suppose i would die a very happy man." He smiled wolfishly and she smiled bigger turning towards the house. He followed sparing only one glance back towards his pack.

"Mama I've brought company!" Lacey-Ann shouted once they were through the door.

"It better be kitchen boxes because if not we will have to find order out menus or something." The woman said just before a loud crash echoed through the house. "Dammit!" I found the plates, or what is now left of them."

Lacey-Ann rushed towards where the sound had come from. As the Alpha followed and turned the corner he saw glass all over the tile floor.

"Where's the broo--who are you?" Lacey-Ann's mother asked as she looked up from the mess of green glass to see the Alpha.

"Kyle, ma'am." Alpha smiled.

"He was outside, I figured I would be nice and invite him to dinner. And the broom is in the moving truck which isn't here." Lacey-Ann replied leaning on the door frame.

Her mom spared a glare before turning to Kyle again. "It's Courtney not ma'am." She said then scooted away towards the counter reaching up to grab her phone. "I'm assuming that you would know a good place for Chinese or Thai Kyle? because I'm starved and don't know where anything is."

"Yeah I do but they don't deliver."

"That's fine, Lacey-Ann you and Kyle take my car there's some cash in my purse, but remember if you crash it it's coming out of your ass." Courtney warned raises both perfectly trimmed brows at Lacey-Ann.

"Yes mamma." Lacey-Ann turned heading back out of the kitchen and out of the house not looking back to be sure that Kyle was behind her which he didn't mind. He took his time trying to find a bond, even a faint one that would tell him she'd just run away. Nothing showed. Impossible he thought to himself squinting harder. There were only three reasons for having no bond.She didn't know, her alpha was dead or she was related to the alpha who had died.
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heres the next part :) enjoy...