Status: Fin.

My Life as a Navy Wife

Jack and Jackie.
Jackie and Jack.

Either way, it just doesn't sound right saying one without the other. Our story sounds a bit far fetched at times, but the best thing is, its real and its ours. We know how our story ends, with a happily ever after, but you don't know how we got there. You don't know the struggles we went through, or the heart ache, the pain, the happy moments, those brilliant times of pure bliss.

We started out in a little town up North, we ended in a big town down South.

This story as all of mine are, has some truth to it, but like all good stories, its got quite a bit of fiction in it. Like that time I caught a seven eyed catfish with ears ;) So read up my darlings and I hope you enjoy.

Also, the photos I'll provide are not mine, they're courtesy of Google image search :) god I love Google, they should pay me for using them so often :P