Status: Fin.

My Life as a Navy Wife


The kids walked with me, Lulu holding tightly onto my hand, she had recently dyed her hair a beautiful shade of green, almost the same colour as her father's eyes, I think it is gorgeous, but she's scared that her father is going to hate it. I try to explain that he will love it, but she refused to agree so I dyed my hair yellow, people look at us as we walk through, Joey's hair is pitch black like his father's, he's a tall lanky 13 year old now but he's handsome like his daddy. Max is walking behind me, I reach out and he takes my hand, he has bright blue eyes and light blonde hair, he looks completely different to either of his parent's, but exactly like a male version of Lucille.

The four of us walk towards the gate and I sigh, I'm 32, about to see my husband for the first time, knowing that he won't have to go back to war, that he's going to stay home for the first time in our 14 years of marriage. No one at the gate seems to know whether to be excited or scared, mothers are looking excited but worried for their children, children look utterly confused. Its heart breaking but families all over the world are going through what mine is. Finally getting to meet their father.

People begin to filter out of the gate, family members reunite, tears are flowing everywhere and my heart begins to start beating out of my chest, I'm frozen in place with how nervous and excited I am until my husband, with his dark hair and green eyes begins walking towards us, tears begin flowing from my eyes as he opens his arms and I launch myself into them, suddenly only 21 again and feeling like I did when I saw him just after he completed his mandatory service. I cover him in kisses and sob even harder as a few tears leak from his eyes.

Eventually I calm down enough to let him go and turn towards our children, who are all trying hard not to cry. Jack greets each of his babies and then the three of them hug him tightly and I begin crying again, sobbing hard when I hear Max whisper a few innocent words to his father.

"Dad, I'm so glad you didn't die, never leave us, quit the Navy, stay home with us forever."
♠ ♠ ♠
And there we have it.