Don't Want to Say Goodbye

One shot

“Hey Pete!” Mikey called after his band had finished performing. Mikey ran up to his boyfriend and kissed him sweetly on the cheek. Pete just pulled Mikey into a tight hug. “Pete? Is something wrong?” Mikey was past concerned; Pete had usually pulled him into a bathroom stall before now. “Fall Out Boy’s breaking up; I have to end the tour.” Pete was crying, Mikey hated it when he was sad. Mikey just pulled Pete into a tighter hug, “It’ll all be okay, Pete. Everything’ll be fine.” Mikey didn’t trust his words at all. Nothing would be okay; Pete would be leaving as soon as his tour ended and Mikey would have to spend the next 3 months of My Chem’s tour alone. “Mikey, I can’t do it. I can’t leave you.” Pete sobbed into Mikey’s shoulder. “I’ll be fine; it’s not my band that’s breaking up.” “No, but it’s your band with the alcoholic lead singer.” “Pete... Don’t. I’ll be fine, I promise.” He sighed “how long do we have?” “2 more shows.” Pete pulled Mikey into his abandoned tour bus. “Where’s the rest of your band, Mikey?” Mikey sighed. “Frank went to the bar to try and keep Gee sober-ish. I think Ray and Bob are over with your band.” Pete smiled as he pulled the door closed and lead Mikey over to the bunk they had spent many a nights. “So we have the bus to ourselves then?” Pete asks with a seductive smirk on his face. “For a bit, yeah.” Mikey seemed uncertain. “We’ve walked in on them before, now it can be their turn to walk in on us.” “Dude, that’s my brother.” Pete just shrugged as he moved himself to be on top of Mikey; Mikey pushed a hand out and pulled the curtain shut “Just in case.” He mumbled. “Fine.” Pete gives in; he can’t help to when Mikey looks up at him like that. Mikey just smiles as Pete moves down to kiss his belly button then he moves up to take Mikey’s nipple in his mouth. “Pete” Mikey moaned, “Just fucking fuck me.” He begged. “Mikey!” panic flashed across Mikey’s face as his brother opened the door, before relaxing into Pete; chances were Gerard was drunk and hopefully wouldn’t notice the couple lying on Mikey’s bed. “Hey Frank, Mikey’s not here.” He called. ‘Aw shit’ mouths Pete. “Cool. I’m so proud of you Gee, staying sober.” Pete started to panic,
“Shit.” He whispered “Gerard. We’re in here.” That was louder so he and Frank could here.
“And Gee, I’m proud of you too. But of all days to come back to the tour sober, it had to be today?” Mikey was proud but this could have been the last night he had to spend with Pete.
“Sorry. I’m sorry Pete; I heard ‘bout Fall Out Boy.”
“Is cool Gerard. I’m more worried about leaving Mikey than the band; we knew it was going to happen eventually.”
“What the fuck do you mean; leaving Mikey?”
“Are you little dudes breaking up?” Frank walked into the room holding coffee.
“No!” Pete practically shouted. “No.” He said again, quietly this time. “That’s the last thing I’d ever want to do.” Pete was still lying on top of Mikey; but was now just resting his cheek on Mikey’s chest. “So what the fuck are you talking about; leaving Mikey?” Frank repeated Gerard’s words. “What else is there to do?” Pete asked into Mikey’s flawless chest, defeated.
“Pack up your shit and move into Mikey’s bunk.” Gerard said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “So you guys wouldn’t have a problem with it?” Mikey’s voice was muffled by Pete’s hair, but Frank managed to understand him. “Why the fuck would we?”
“Well not you; but Bob and Ray might.” Mikey was arguing but there was glimmer of hope in his and Pete’s eyes. “Yeah, don’t think they give a fuck; they’ve been listening to all of us fuck since the beginning of the tour and haven’t said anything yet.”
“He makes you happy, Mikey.” Ray said as he walked into the room. “Why would we mind?”
“Really?” Mikey’s voice squeaked as he spoke, his eyes watering. “You guys are the best bandmates ever.” He said as they all nodded. “Pete, you wanna?” Mikey looked into Pete’s eyes.
“Of course I do!” He yelled as he pulled himself up to Mikey’s mouth.
“Leaving now.”Ray said as he left. “Gerard and Frank are leaving too.” He pulled them out of the room. “But it’s hot...” Frank and Gerard complained.
“Dude, that’s your younger brother.”
“Still, it’s fucking hot.” His eyes glistened with an idea forming “Hey Frankie? Wanna fuck on the couch?” Ray didn’t look all that shocked as he left.
“Going to visit some normal people.” He called. The reply was a loud moan emitted from Mikey’s bunk.
“Pete. You’re a fucking tease.” Mikey moaned as Pete took one nipple in his mouth and teased the other with his fingers. “Yeah, but you love me for it.” He gloated.
“Nah. I love you in spite of that.”
“Either way you love me, so I win. And I love you.” Pete continued teasing Mikey, moving down to kiss his navel. Mikey soon gets sick of Pete’s teasing, and summons all his energy to flip Pete over so that he was underneath Mikey.
“I really love you, Mikey. Promise me you’ll never leave?”
“I promise, Pete. I’ll be here forever.”