Broken but Living




“I hope you don't mind if I come to the wedding, I know you invited me but I was just making sure.”

Sky felt her chest tense up, she let out a slow breath, “No, I don't mind. I sent the invitations out Shad- Matt.”

There was a long pause, “Okay, I was just checking. Thanks.”

Sky held the phone back out and Brian took it off her, shooting her a small frown as he spoke back into it. She didn't feel sad, she didn't even feel mad. She kind of respected him for asking her that. She almost called him Shadows, that must not have gone down well.

Leaning down on Brian's shoulder she sighed deeply.. Memories came flooding back to her, the good and bad. When he raped her, when he kissed her, when he winked and hugged her. She had to shake herself out of it and concentrated on the man sat next to her, the man she loved.

He pulled the phone away after saying goodbye and placed it back into his pocket, “What did he want?”

“He asked about the wedding, and if I would honestly mind if he went.”

“You don't though, right?” His eyes widened slightly and his hand rested on her knee. She knew he would feel bad if she did care that Matt was invited to their wedding, even though it wouldn't be his fault.

“No, I honestly don't.” She answered truthfully, “That's our day.”

A small danced onto Brian’s face, he just couldn't hold it in. He leant down and kissed her forehead, funny long fingers through her soft hair. He pulled away and smiled down at her, watching her eyes shine beneath him. He had no doubt in his mind that he loved her.

“I'm going to go and take a shower.” She smiled, reaching up and kissing him. He kissed her back and told her that he would come to bed after he had finished watching a TV show.

Brian placed his legs up on the sofa, turning the TV's volume up and sipping on his beer. His eyes widened as he watched the commercial, domestic violence. Snatching the controller from the sofa's arm he began pressing random buttons, moving his eyes to the floor to avoid further eye contact. Soft music began playing, it was a movie in a love scene. He sighed deeply, the grip on his beer going tight.

If he could take back everything he did to Skylar, he would. He would give his life to make her happy, he decided that the moment he had laid eyes on her. However, he never actually thought he'd feel guilt on such a large scale. It was the dreams that got to him the most, the fact that he had consciously disturbed her so much that she had to repress every single memory of him ever hitting her or sexually touching her when she didn't want it, was enough to make his stomach churn. He had raped her virginity away from her, and that was something he could never give back.

Whenever she decided to question him about her family, he had to change the subject. Was that bad of him? Was that selfish? He had asked Zacky, but Zacky didn't feel to same amount as guilt … He hadn't forced Zoe into anything. Brian had left enough evidence when he took her so show that she had took her own life. That was something he would never tell her, ever. He only did it because her family wouldn't be beside themselves with worry on a daily basis, they would accept what she had 'done' and try to get on with their lives. He felt fucking sick.

As soon as he heard the shower switch off, he made his way up the stairs, wiping away a small tear of anger and taking another gulp of his beer, pushing away the guilt.
♠ ♠ ♠
I felt like Brian needed to be heard out, so here you go :)
I'll update later again tonight If you guys respond!

Oh, and I'm still taking One-Shot requests :) The first three people to inbox me and request one will get one, I just want your name, guy and genre :) Just a little gift from me to you :)