New Destiny


Alex was walking back home in content. He rubbed his lips, and sighed. He put his hands in his deep pockets of his dress pants, and continued to walk down the street.

His head suddenly jerked to one side when he heard a cry. He began to run in that direction.

When he came to the spot, in saw two men in black clothes beating on someone that was down on the ground. Alex ran up to them and yelled, "Hey, what the hell do you think your doing!?"

One man turned his head to face Alex, " This guy is a gay!"

"What!?" Alex said, pushing one of the guys.

The man cracked his knuckles, "Well, you got a lot of nerve." and he pushed Alex out of the way and continued beating up the man on the ground.

"Why the hell is it your problem that he is gay?" Alex said, rubbing his knee.

"Cause, they're not natural." The man stopped beating on the guy on the ground.

"What the hell!? Sure they are different, but that does not mean..."

"Hey! Don't give me that bull crap! This man deserves it!" but the man turned his head to hear sirens, and the two men took off into the darkness of the city night.

Alex knelt down to the man, "Are you all right?"

The young man had cuts on his lip and cheeks. He was bruised on the arm and the neck, as if he was choked. He moaned slightly and said in a whisper, "I"

"Listen, do not move, okay? Help is on the way.

When the police pulled up to the curb, the policeman got out of his car and said, "Oh my god! What happened here?'

Alex went up to the policeman. He told him all he saw, and what the guys told them. He said a description. He policeman nodded and looked at the hurt man, "What is your name?"

"Mark, Mark..Lauren"

"Okay. stay there while I radio in a ambulance.
Fifteen minutes later, the ambulance came up in a screech, and took Mark away and drove off towards the hospital, sirens on.

The policeman went back to Alex, "Now listen carefully, we believe this was a case of a homophobic beating..."

"A homophobic beating?"

"Yes, it is a hate crime. We will try to find the people who did this, and get back to you. Good night."

The policeman drove off. Alex stood frozen, staring at the small drops of blood on the snow.

He walked off, heading back home, with some fright in his eyes.