New Destiny


Another month has passed.

Darren and Sandra were a serious couple, Alexander and Violet as well. James was fully healed, and so was his relationship.

The time has come for exams, and Alex was studying during lunch. Violet giggled, "You have exams next period?"

Alex gave a nervous laugh, "Yes. Science."

"Well," she said, closing his book and kissing him, "studying last minute wont help."

He sighed, "I know, it's worth a try though."

Violet giggled, " That is why you study the night before."

The bell rang, and they all left towards their exams.
He sat down in the class room. The desks were sperated and the tests were on it. The teacher smiled, "Good luck."

The flick of papers sounded, and the exam began.

Alex moaned, reading some of the questions. He chewed the pencil, and wrote down answers....
The Starbucks routin continued. They laughed and bought books.

Violet sipped her coffee, "So, how did your exam go Alex?" she held his hand.

"Bad ...I think"

She gasped. "How so?"

"Well, I got nervous, then sort of forgot the answers."

"Well, that sucks." Sandra said.

Violet hugged Alex, "I am sure you did fine, you're probably doubting yourself."

"Yeah, I guess."

James laughed, "Well, what exams did you guys have?"

"History." Sandra said.

"Math..." Karen said.

"Health.Eww..." Violet said, shivering.

Everyone laughed.
Everyone went their seperate ways. James saw Sandra and Darren kissing in the back of the shop. He laughed and walked home. He put on his green wool coat and walked out into the chilly air.

He thought of Mark, and sighed. He walked up to a man.

The man smirked, "You got the cash?"

"Of course." James said, handing him some cash.

The man counted it. "Well, looks like your little gay friend doesn't have to get beaten again for not giving us cash."

James had tears in his eyes. He walked away silently...