Beneath the Earth


It was the year 1423 when The Great War was at its height. Civilians lived in fear; the men braced themselves for the impending need to protect their families. Most of the soldiers died horrid, gory deaths, leaving the common people wary, and the rich aghast. The country called Anne needed to escape her certain death.
It was then that an inventive man by the name of Finne Cinder conceived the idea of creating caverns underneath the earth for the purpose of hiding and protecting the people of Anne until it was safe enough to emerge. He humbly presented his plan to the king, who reluctantly accepted it as his beloved land’s last fragment of hope. He decreed that the people begin digging, lest they would rather surrender themselves to the bloodthirsty warriors of the opposing army.
And so, the country of Anne disappeared from the face of the earth, sitting unnoticed beneath mountains and fields. Over the centuries, the above world stitched Anne out of its history, leaving the cavernous land beneath the surface long forgotten to the lands it left behind. The people of Anne, however, continued to thrive, existing upon fungi and farm animals they had brought with them and bred centuries ago. Anne survived her own revolutions, and experienced her own great discoveries, managing to thrive not as an intelligent band of creatures, but as a human race. Her people decided it would not ever be necessary to emerge, and she readily became riddled with tramways and lanterns, her vast hollow body now swarming with roughly ten thousand inhabitants.
Over time, though, Anne developed a most unsavory flaw. Her government consisted of one horrid ruler, to be referred to as Amory Enne. Her people hated him with a passion, but could do nothing, as they were greatly oppressed by his two-thousand-and-growing officers. Her people could only watch as Anne withered in an agonizing silence.
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Thank you for reading. =]