Status: In Process

Letters to Nobody

Brother and Sister

I couldn't breathe. My chest felt heavy as if something was on top of me... I felt wet too... Slowly I opened my eyes and when my vision adjusts; my little sister was sleeping on top of me with her mouth open drooling over my pajamas. That's why I didn't like to sleep with her... Sophia always manages to find a way to slept in my chest and drool over my pj's...

"Sophia..." I called her softly as I untangled her blond hair. She didn't even move. I looked at the clock and it was 9:46 in the morning. I was late. "Sophia, I need to go." I said moving her softly.

"I don't wanna..." Sophia was scratching her eye.

"Stop that Sophia." I said serious as I took her hand and sit up in my bed. "You can sleep here but I need to go." I take her off me and slowly put her body next to me.

"I wanna play..."

"You can play with Liam." I got up from bed and went directly to the bathroom and to take a shower.

After I was done showering, I went to my drawers and found the swimsuit I was looking for and the dress. When I was done getting dresses, I put on my favorite earnings and then the bracelet Tristan sent to me in Christmas. I was exited! This was our first date after I came back for vacations.

I remember when we were kids. Tristan and I were good friends and all the time I came for summer vacations he was waiting for me to start playing in the lake or his house. That went on until he was 15 and grew up. I though he hated me because he was never the same and ditched me. Tristan was always playing with girls in ways I didn't understand, I was only 12... One day he introduces me his formal girlfriend, Dianne, and I felt my heart crumbling, I know I was young and I still am but I knew I was in love with him... Tristan didn't notice me anymore until I change.

The summer of my 13 year I didn't go to my grandparent’s house. To my surprise, he noticed it. I don't know how but he found my cell phone number and started calling me. I told him I didn't want to talk to him but he have to be persistent... I ignored him in every possible way you could think of, but he didn't give up. Before summer ended, Tristan surprised me. I was alone in my parents’ house and someone was knocking the door, so I answer it. He was at my door step breading heavily like he came here running.

I was astonished, but I let him in. Tristan said he was sorry for ditching me last summer and that I didn't deserve that. I said it was okay but he insisted that it wasn't and to make up for that, he started taking me out as friends. After the summer ended we keep talking over the phone and emails.

The next year in summer, we became a little more than friends... Friends with benefits but we only kissed. That's when my sister makes the exaggeration of us making love and so I was punished for the rest of the summer...

In September he told me he broke up with his girlfriend. I didn't believe it at first but he proved it himself. Whenever he could, Tristan came to visit me, in secret but at least he came... Our friendship grew stronger and stronger over the months and so did our undefined relationship. Tristan came to visit me even in the holidays but those times he asked permission. Christmas was the only holiday he couldn't come and he sent me the bracelet I'm wearing right now and I love it. Inside that box there was a note that said: "I will make this summer unforgettable." I sure believe that because today is our first date and I hope nothing ruins it.

"Where’re you going?" I turn to the door and there was my little brother, Liam. I have everything I need in my bag so I was ready to leave. I put my sandals on and answer him.

"I'm going to the lake." I said simply.

"Ah! That's not fair!" He protested and I rolled my eyes. "You are leaving me with the piranha I have for sister!" I could notice he was angry.

"I had to have her last night sleeping with me and drooling over me, so I think you can handle her for a few hours." I had everything in hand so I left, but before that I ruffled his hair. "Take care, Liam. If anything happens, call me. Okay?"

"Yes sis, have fun in the lake." He said smiling.

"I sure will." I smiled back at him and kissed his cheek. "Bye"
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Another update! =D
I planed to do this a little bit longer but I have to study so.... I will update tomorrow again! =D
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