Status: In Process

Letters to Nobody

The Beginning of Our Friendship

Outside the house, the sun was bright early in the morning and I could hear the birds singing. I'm not a morning person, but I like to enjoy the little things out of a bad wake up call. Too bad that I'm ruining my life every second I took a step; I hate myself more and more...

I still can't believe I'm doing this... My dad had all the equipment at the warehouse. We all went there and took the tools we needed. Dad started working pruning the shrubs around the house and Douglas was mowing the lawn with the mower. I was staring at them as I took the dead leaves from the flowers and cut the grass, leaving the area clean and pretty.

It was almost 10 in the morning when I finished my work and started putting fertilizer in the soil. After that I watered the plants with the hand sprinkler already full of water. I was dead exhausted and my granddad went inside the house to make some lemonade for the three of us. I was left alone with Douglas but gladly, he was watering the grass with the hose. I was so distracted looking at the flowers that I didn't notice when Douglas came closer, until I was all wet and all I could hear was his laugh.

"You didn't!" I scream mad in disbelieve.

"I guess I did." He was holding the weapon in his arms, a triumphant smile all over his face.

"You are so DEAD!" I started running towards him with the hand sprinkler and I threw it all over him. "Who's laughing now?" I said smiling. He stood there in shock with his mouth half open.

"Just wait and see." He answers after a few seconds he recovered and started getting close to me so fast that I didn't have time to dodge the water attack.

I was soaked wet everywhere. Not even my hair was dry. He wasn't getting away with it."You ask for this." I said as I took the hose from his hands and now we were equal. "You can't mess with a Conrad my friend and get away with it." I took the pistil of the hose and blow air in it like it was gun after being shot. Douglas looked at me amazed; I bet he didn't expect me being like this. Well, I was starting to get the feeling that I am very vindictive, in a nice way.

"Well, I can say the exact same thing about the Matthews." He said serious but a smile was suddenly forming in his lips. "You better start running right now, because my rage will be unleashed upon you if I catch you."

"I'm not afraid of you." I said challenging him getting closer.

"You should be." I stood there without moving and he leaned down getting closer and closer to my face but he opted for my ear.

"I will give you ten seconds ahead of me. You will regret it if I catch you." I felt goosebumps in my back. His lips brushed my ear and cheek lightly. I shivered. "Run."

I did as he said. I started running towards the fields and I couldn't stop thinking. I can't believe Douglas made me feel like that... What he heck is wrong with me? I'm not supposed to be his friend and here I am... Playing like a little kid with him. This is insane! I stop running and looked around. I have everything I need, I don't need anything more. I don't need more friends or other things. I have my family and Tristan. I don't need anything else.

"Find you." I jump. Douglas was behind me. I look to his green eyes and in an instant I was being held by his strong hands, he lifted me off the ground and throws me over his shoulder. Douglas was holding my legs and I started moving frenetically.

"Let me GO!" I scream.

"Not even in your dreams." He tightens his grip on me.

"Put me down!" I started pinching his back.

"Stop it, Savannah! It hurts!" Douglas said moving.

"I won't stop until you let me go!" Now I covered his eyes with my hands.

"I can't see were I'm going!" His steps weren't firm and he was reeling. The road was full of stones making the path unstable but I didn't uncover his eyes. As expected, he stumbled and both fell to the ground.

I had my eyes closed waiting for the impact pain, but nothing. It didn’t hurt; on the contrary, I was lying in something soft but at the same time firm, but wet. I open my eyes and saw him. Douglas was caressing his head with his eyes closed.

“Are you okay?” I ask concern.

“Yeah. And you?” He asks but I didn’t say anything. I was staring at his eyes. The sun was illuminating his directly and I could see them clearly. Their color was a bright emerald and in some parts, they had brown strides. They resemble the forest and I was hypnotized by them. “Savannah?” His voice brought me back from my trance and I hurriedly answer.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry…” I looked away. I felt nervous… I don’t like this feeling…

“Savannah…” I looked at him, again.

“Yes?” I ask.

“Could you… umm… Get off of me?” Douglas asked nervous.

“Oh! Yes, sorry…” I got off of him and helped him to stand up. Douglas stared at me with curious eyes.

“Are we friends?” His question surprised me. Douglas was nervous because he was scratching the back of his head, but didn’t I confirm that when I said it in front of my dad?

“I already said it.” That’s was my answer.

“But you said it because your granddad forced you to say it… I just want to know if you really mean it.” I could see the hopes in his eyes and I just gave in… He didn’t mean any harm and he was a nice guy.

“I mean it.” I extended my hand to him. “Friends?” I ask. He took my hand in his without hesitation and he stretched it strongly.

“Friends.” Douglas smile was charming and cute. I bet he had a lot of girlfriends in his old town.

“SAVANNAH! DOUGLAS!” My dad screamed from the house and I let go of his hand watching his silhouette from afar. “THE SNACKS ARE READDY!” I smile at that.

“Let’s go and eat my friend.” I said and smiled to him.

“I did like that. How about a race to the house?” He asks challenging.


We started running toward my house laughing and having a great time. My dad had make tuna sandwiches and lemonade. He looks at us strangely because we were soaking wet but he just laughed at us and started making jokes. The three of us started talking about random stuff while eating and my dad really liked Douglas. He was funny and smart too. After the snack, we were back in our duty and my brother and little sister joined us.

Sophia, like always, was bothering people. This time was the poor Douglas. He played with her but my brother and I pitied him, because she will never get exhausted. She’s like the energizer bunny. Even though I didn’t intend it, I really enjoyed Douglas friendship. All my regrets and worries vanishes, I hope this is the beginning of a good and lasting friendship…
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Hello there! =D Here's another update! I hope you like it!
I promise that in like 2 or 3 chapters, the box is finally going to be open! =D Aren't you exited??!!!
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