The Promise

"I'll be back, I promise"

Nothing’s more depressing than coming home from a rough day from school then your parents fighting welcoming you.

I’m kind of used to it. Since my dad decided to retire and came home from working abroad, everything in this house went havoc. Of course, I do miss my dad but he likes to gamble and it was only less than a month and his almost half of savings went straight to his opponents’ pockets in a blink of an eye, just as easy as that.

I didn’t even bother to let them know that I’m home so that they’ll stop yelling at each other – or lower their voice so their daughter won’t hear it – but they won’t, they’ll just continue and I end up turning my music into its full volume so I don’t have to listen to their voices.

Isn’t it pretty obvious that I’m living with my parents happily?

Actually, we’re five in the family.

My parents, of course.

Eric who is the eldest in the family. He’s studying in New York and visits us every Christmas and summer.

Marcy, the middle child. She doesn’t stay with us anymore, she moves out when I was in 5th grade but she drops by often.

And last but not the least, me. Jenna Michaels.

After an hour of lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling, Mom called for dinner. I’m lazy to go downstairs – or should I say, I don’t want to eat with her alone seeing her wipe her nose once in a while or hear her sob – so she just told me that she’ll bring my dinner in my room.

It’s Friday and although I’ve bunch of assignments piled up, I’m not planning on doing it. Instead, I decided to put all of my energy sitting in front of my computer and listening to “happy” songs in full blast. Even though, Mom gets mad at me and calling this a “noise,” it actually helps me forget everything for a while.

I enjoy reading stories whether it is an actual book or an e-book I’m reading and I’m a sucker for romance stories. I came across with this story about a girl who met a guy on the internet and it happens to be his best friend pretending to be a different guy. The guy is aware, of course but the girl doesn’t really have any idea at all. I was in the middle of the story when something hit/scratch my window causing it to produce a creepy sound, I felt my stomach drop and my heartbeat beats faster. Even though I’m scared, I didn’t pay attention to it, assuming that it’s just a branch in a tree or it’s just me since hearing weird noises since it’s almost midnight and everyone’s probably sleeping now so the slightest sound/movement makes a hundred times louder than usual. Then, another thump.

“Jenna,” a voice whispered out of nowhere. “Jenna, open your window.”

And so I did. Standing there, holding my mom’s pebbles that was scattered in the lawn is Blaze.

“Dude, it’s past midnight. What are you doing in my house?” I hissed. He’s wearing a black pajama pants and a sleeveless t-shirt.

“I called you many times but you didn’t pick up.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear it. I’ll call you tomorrow, I need some sleep.”

He looked at me for a while, like his observing me or something. I can’t tell because it’s too dark to his expression. There’s only enough light to make me recognize him. “Wanna go for a walk?” he finally asked. Damn, I’m caught! He knew I have a problem.

“In pajamas?” I asked, raising a eyebrow.

I saw him nod. “Why not?” he asked and looked down at his pants. “It’s not that embarrassing, unless you wear Disney character print pajama.”

“You know that I don’t.” I glared and he chuckled. “Wait for me in the front porch.”

“Just climb out of the window,” he instructed.

I checked it to see how high it is. “I’d rather take the stairs than climbing down using a tree, thank you.”

“Like, I’ll let you fall down, right?”

“Probably,” I shrugged. He frowned and I chuckled.

“Just get your ass down here,” he said, a little bit irritated.

“Geez, are you PMS-ing?”

I’ve never climbed a tree before except now. Thankfully, the tree beside my room is branchy and with the help of Blaze, it’s easier than I thought it would be.

“Just like Romeo and Juliet,” he whispered to me when I finally set my feet on the ground. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow but he just shook his head.

I brushed the dirt out of my hands on my pajama. “Okay, where to go?” I asked.

“Nowhere,” he said and sat in the lawn. My jaw dropped. I exerted energy in climbing down that tree and we’re just going to sit here? He could just climb the tree and we’ll hang out in my room. He pulled my hand to sit beside him. “I know you’ll be in deep shit when your mom finds out that you’re not in your room in the morning. So what’s up?”

I sat beside him, wrapping my hands around my knees. “What do you mean “what’s up”?” I asked, pretending like I don’t have any idea.

He looked at me, the same look he’s always giving me when I’m not okay or when he knows I’m lying. “Do you think I’m stupid? I’ve known you since were playing in mud puddles. I know if there’s something bothering you.”

He’s probably right, I’ve known Blaze since I started breathing. I consider him as a confidante. There’s something about him that could make me trust him, he probably knows a lot of things about me more than my own family.

I took a deep breath before starting. I told him everything, from me getting sick of my parents fighting every single day God made to my school problems.

“I don’t know what to do anymore. I keep on pretending that I’m okay but the truth is; I’m not. How will I be okay if every time I came home from school, I see my mom’s swollen and puffy eyes and hear them shout at each other?”

He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder as I wipe my tears with my hands. “Talk to them. That’s like the best thing to do. Tell them how you really feel about it and how much it affects you.”

“How could I talk to them both if they can’t even stand each others faces?”

“Easy. Talk to your Mom first or whoever you prefer then talk to the other.”

“I heard Dad brought the divorce thing up in one of their fights. What if he really meant it?”

“Knowing your Dad, Jen. He probably didn’t mean it; maybe he just got tired of your Mom’s voice.”

I shrugged, “Probably.”

There was a long silence after that then Blaze began to hum my favorite song. It’s very soothing, I completely feel better now that I finally let the things out of my heart that wanting to get out since they started bickering.


I didn’t know what happened after Blaze hummed my favorite song, I probably fell asleep but how did I get here in my room?

Did he climb up the tree with me on his back then tuck me in my bed? No. I’m too heavy for that.


I turned over then felt a piece of paper.

I don’t really want to wake you up so I just entered your house this morning and tucked you in your bed. It was locked, obviously so I used the “secret” key. Your dad was in the living room and was surprised when he saw me piggy-backing you so I needed to explain everything before he kick my ass. I’m sorry for interfering but I know that you’re not good a confronting people so I helped you a little bit. Call me when you woke up.
- Blaze

I went downstairs to eat breakfast and surprisingly, I found my parents in the kitchen, talking to each other…they looked very happy.

I went with my usual business. I’m planning to bring that up after I finished my food but dad was the one who opened the topic about their numerous fights. It happened that when Blaze told me – or wrote – that he explained everything to my Dad, he actually told everything, except for my school problems, of course. He doesn’t want me to be in trouble and feel bad again. After that, my parents talked about it and here they are, happy as a new married couple.

After that talking and finishing my food, I excused myself and rushed to my room and dialed Blaze’s number.

“Hey!” I said, beaming. “Whatever you told Dad surely helps. Thank you. Look, let me make it up. Wanna grab ice cones after lu-”

“How about now? I’m actually in front of your house,” he interrupted. His voice sounded like he has something he wanted to tell me.

I went outside and found her sitting in the front door stairs.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, sitting beside him.

“I came to your house yesterday to tell you something then I totally forgot about it,” he started.
“And what’s about it?”

“We’re moving.”

My happy and excited feelings turned into miserable.

“B-but w-why?” I stutter.

“Dad was sent in a different state and we need to go to but I’ll be back, I promise,” he looked at me directly in the eye. “Dude, please don’t do that.” I’m not even aware that I was crying already. He wiped them for me.

“Who will be my confidante after you leave? You know that you’re the only one I can completely trust. Who would comfort me when I’m sad?”

He smiled, but not the “happy” smile. There was sadness in his eyes. “We’ll email or call each other everyday. Whatever works, as long as we talk to each other, okay?”

“When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow morning. I have a favor to ask you.”

“If I can do it, then yes.”

“Please don’t come see me tomorrow.”


He handed me an envelope, “the answer is in there.” He hugged me tightly and kissed me on the forehead, “Goodbye, Jenna Michaels. I’m going to miss you.” Then he ran off. I called his name but he didn’t stop or look at me for the last time.


I’m not sure if I should be happy because my parents are finally together again or a sad because my best friend is leaving.

I don’t know

I spent the whole afternoon working on my assignments, just to kill some time and forget the incident this morning for couple hours. When I finally finished it, I tried to get some sleep but I just couldn’t then I saw his letter lying in top of my dresser.

Dear Jenna,

Dad got promoted as a department head and was moved to a different state. Unfortunately, I need to go to. It has been 2 months when we finally decided to move out from this town and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Believe me, I’ve tried countless of times to tell you but I just don’t have the courage to do it. Finally yesterday, I have the guts to tell you so I came in your house. I wasn’t really expecting to see you awake since you’re go to bed early. So when I saw that the lights were still open in your room, I thought that something’s wrong. When I saw you, there’s something in your eyes that screams sadness, then I forgot my purpose. All I want to do is to comfort you. I just remembered it when you bring that divorce thingy up but I don’t want to be one of your problems or will cause your sadness.

Remember when I told you I wanted to be a photographer? Dad knows a professional photographer and promised to train me. Who knows? You’ll be seeing my shots in front of a magazine or best, in a gala.

Remember my promise when you ran out of your house because your mom scolded you? “When you have a problem, always remember that there’s this one person that will be sitting beside you while you cry when the world turns its back to you. I promise.” That promise doesn’t have an expiration date. I’m always going to there for you, no matter what.

I’ll definitely miss you Jenna. Remember how we first met? We were both three that time, though I’m 2 months older than you, you were playing in your backyard. Your hair was chocolate brown with long soft straight hair, you’ve got strikingly electric blue eyes and there’s a hint of pink in your cheeks. Then it rained but you didn’t go inside your house instead, you played in the mud. Your mom was so furious at you but you didn’t cry. Usually, 3 year olds cry when their parents scolded them. You apologized to your mom and hugged her. You we’re such a strong girl with a humble heart. You’re fun and can’t be tamed. You’re unpredictable. Even though, you sometimes cry like baby because you’ve had enough, I still love you. You may only consider me as your brother, or your best friend but I love you, not in a brotherly or friendly way. Yes, Jenna Michaels, I love you.

- Blaze

I don’t want to see the sadness in your eyes when I leave so I asked not to see me tomorrow. It will only make things ten times harder for me.

I promise, I’ll be back.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think? I'm not really good at describing and such.

Don't worry it will have a sequel.
Is it too long or should I cut it into parts?

Constructive criticisms are well appreciated.