Status: I'll be posting when I can(:

A Simple White Rose


A week had passed since the last time I had spoken to my father. Snape had been incessently annoying since then, specificially in morning classes. Each day we would begin on a new potion or learn a new spell, which I had no problem with. It was his griping at Draco, and Draco's retorts, that raked my nerve endings to a point. We were currently in said class, going over the importance of "proper cauldron cleaning procedures".

"I don't see why I have to learn this!" Draco sneared, "She's the bastard's child, not me. And I'm not marrying the bitch, anyways, so I should be exempt from this hell hole."

Without turning, I hit Draco with a stupify spell. "Learn your manors, Malfoy. You may eventually need them." Glancing at the text placed infront of me, I saw Draco's glare pointed in my direction.

"Miss Riddle has a point, Draco. And you shall do whatever your Dark Lord commands." Snape's voice carred throughout the room. I caughed a laugh quickly.

"Actually, I'd rather not marry the fool either. He's below my standards." I agreed, checking the time. Sighing, I gathered my belongings, and looked to Malfoy. "Class is over."

As we walked into the hall, Draco was glaring ahead of him, his eyes into such a tight slit, it seemed as though he could never see where he was going. Slowly, his head turned in my direction. "What do you mean, I'm below your standards?"

I rolled my eyes, knowing I'd started a fight. "I mean, you are below my standards. You're a whiney, sad, pathetic excuse for a man. You can't even complete a single task set for you. You're weak."

"I'm weak? What about you, who never gets in trouble. You never even try to have a little fun."

"Perhaps because my duties are more important than fun." With that, I strolled off to class, leaving him behind.

* * *

When lunch time finally rolled around, I somberly strolled into the Great Hall. Sighing, I took my place at the Slytherin table; directly next to Blaise, and in front of Draco. It had been a long day. The small fight with Malfoy had slowly escalated into a war between him, Pansy, and Malfoy's two goons.

As I sat, I heard a small chortle coming from my left. Assuming it was directed towards someone else, I chose to ignore it and go on with my droll lunch. I took a bite of my salad, staring down at the table and noticed a movement to my left. Slowly, I lifted my head and noticed Blaise staring down at me, a sad look plastered on his hideous face.

"What the hell are you looking at?" I snarled.

"N-nothing." He stuttered, tearing his eyes from me and pasting them to his plate. I glanced around; everyone was staring at me.

Pansy was the first to speak. "A little rude, don't you think, Riddle? Don't be such a bitch to the guy, just because you decided to be a little slut."

I sighed lightly, gracefully placing my fork on the table. "I apologize, Pansy. I had not previously realized that said profession was yours alone." Standing up slowly, I gazed over her icily. "I do so solemnly desire your forgiveness. However, I must require one thing from you."

She glared. "And what is that?"

I smiled sweetly and turned to Draco. "Paws off my fiancee." I turned away and began to saunter out as she let out a screech.