Bitch, Where's My Money?



"Shay! We've found her!" Alexis said, busting into my room.

I carefully took the cigarette from my mouth and exhaled out all the smoke. I spun around in my chair and faced her.

There was sweat beading on her forehead and she was holding files in her hands. Her long hair hung down her body like waterfalls, and her black eyes were wide with shock and...relieve.

"You found her? Who?" I asked, calmly.

She cleared her throat. "LaToya and Diamond...they're all in Puerto Rico."


Just hearing her name...makes my mind spin, and literally I lose my mind and my skin crawls. Oh nothing, will ever make me feel better than taking her life away, and Shawn's. That fxcking backstabber!

"You found them?" I asked, again.

She nodded and a wicked grin came over her face. "After all these years Shay! We've finally got them!" She squealed running over to my desk.

I smiled for the first time in years, and it felt so new and refreshing.


All the hardwork, time, and energy Alexis and I have spent on finding them...has finally paid off.

"Good. How about you go get your son dressed, so all of us can go out for dinner to celebrate this terrific news?" I suggested.

She nodded and then scurried out of the room. And soon as she closed the door behind her, my smiled faded into a scowl. Ugh, I can't stand that bi+ch! She urks my nerves almost as hard as LaToya did...but I have to keep Alexis around until I get Toya and Shawn right where I want them.

Then after I kill them and their family, I'll help Alexis take out that Diamond girl, and after that I'm going to kill her ass and that ugly ass baby of hers!

I met Alexis 3 years ago, and I had just got done completely healing from the motorcycle crash, that dumbass Shawn and Toya, almost killed me in. She told me her story and then I told her mine...and we made a truce to help eachother get what we wanted.


She wanted revenge on Diamond family for killing her babydaddy, and I wanted revenge on Toya...for...well you know why. It's been so long I've kinda forgot why I'm doing this shi+, all I know is that I want her dead!

Anyway, when Toya thought she 'killed' me, I hid out in one of my friends apartment and he took care of me. His name was Buddy, and he was one of my on the side boyfriends. I dragged myself off the road and called Buddy off my phone, barely able to speak. Somehow he found me and then he took care of me because he was also a doctor. I was in a full body cast for a year. But when I was fully healed, I had to kill him because the nigg@h tried to rap3 me...but that's all in the past now.

I picked up a knife that I kept in my drawer and took aim at a blown up picture of LaToya that was on my wall. There were many holes in the picture because I used her for target practice, or when I needed to take out frustration.


I was a fxcking ninja with knives now. I never miss when I aim for something.

I threw the knife, with the flick of my fingers and it landed smack dab in the middle of Toya's forehead. I smiled and said aloud,

"Toya darling...I'm coming for you."


It was only a year ago, when my brothers popped up well and alive at my front door. & it was almost 2 years ago when all that shi+ went down. I'll never forget any of it that happened, because it makes me who I am today.

When my brothers came home, we were happier than the Blackhawks when they won the Cup, and when the Lakers won the championship, put together.

That night, for the first time ever I hated having a room next to Gabriela. Why? Because all Killah and I could hear, the WHOLE night was her screaming and the headboard hitting the wall.

So now a year later her and Carter have a baby girl named Graciela Carmen, but everyone calls her Gracey for short. She's 1 and is so adorable! Melissa is 4 and she can walk and talk perfectly.

Killah and I ended up having a baby boy and we named him Le'Rey. He's 2 and bad as ever! He barely listens to me but will drop dead for Killah, but I still love him. He's my everything.

Ta'Karrah and Dru are getting married next week, right here in the backyard, and the only people attending are, LaToya and Shawn, and their people, and a couple of friends we made here in town. Ta'Karrah is 6 months pregnant, again!

LaToya and Shawn live a couple houses down and they have two kids. Boy and a girl. Were over there house, and there over our house so much, where were all like family. They told us their story of how they came to Puerto Rico, and we told them ours. Damn, it's bogus how that Shay girl still out there, and if she does come after them, I know my brothers will help.

Hmm, we killed off everyone so we shouldn't have no revenge seeking people going after us, unless Alexis scary ass would try something. But she's not a very independent person, so she wouldn't be able to do it all alone. But whatever...

All I can say is, is that my life is just utterly perfect.


Living in Puerto Rico with my husband and kids...I never knew it'd be this perfect. Everyday I'm happy, and the only time I'm not is when my badass son Andre breaks something, or my girl Ta'Karrah cancels our plans.

We met her whole family almost two years ago and ever since then we've all been insperable. She has a soon to be sister in law named Diamond and she's 19 and her man is 24. I find Diamond to be the most interesting person out the group...because in a way she reminds me of myself. But whatever.

They're story of how they got to Puerto Rico is almost as fxcked up as mine, but I'm glad everything resolved for them. All my friends that moved here with me, went back to the States except Jayla and Vick, and their son Julian. They live around the block from me, and their close with Ta'Karrah and her people also.

Hayley, every 3 months she sends an update of how everything is going back there and if she's heard any news on Shay. To this day we dont know where the crazy bi+ch is but... we'll be waiting.